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Save me from my saviours!

Post 1


"Just what are you getting at?"

"Like modern day Jesuses!"

Rather a lot of expletives signalling my disagreement followed.

"No, think about it, Christ had to die on a cross in a very public way to get the message across, so it's kind of the same thing, saving humanity by giving up yourself to sacrifice!"

A lot more swearing followed as I realized this zealot was actually serious!

"Just a modern day version….."

I walked off in a cloud of rage and four letter words; not because I'm remotely religious, but because this prat thought that a few hippies gluing themselves to bridges could be considered to be remotely in the same sphere as Jesus Christ.

I suppose it depends on where you stand on the whole 'saving the planet' debate, and how much of a volleyball player you are?

I'd rather give a few quid to WWF, do my bit of recycling and avoid single use plastics…..does that make me a Messiah?

Very possibly….now where did I put the superglue?

Save me from my saviours!

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

[smiley - bigeyes. remembers the headline "red tape holds up bridge." smiley - biggrin]

Keep going. I'm enjoying this so far. smiley - applause

Save me from my saviours!

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - applause Ahem. The overvaluing of in-yer-face 'street theatre' was an all-too-familiar motif back in the 60s. And no, fella, the fact that you're sporting sandals and a beard doesn't make you remotely like Jesus. smiley - headhurts

The planet's ecosystems desperately need saving. But it's less a consumer issue than a corporate and international one - so stop harassing your neighbours, people, and put pressure on legislators. I can think of a dozen useful things governments and NGOs could be doing - one of which, in this country, would be to stop playing politics with NASA and NOAA and the National Weather Service - but none of them involve superglue. (If you can find it on Youtube, look up John Oliver's piece on 'weather'.)

It reminds me of, let's see, it was 1972 or so. Some students gathered outside the Cathedral of Learning (uni building, you can't miss it, it's 42 storeys high and Gothic) to protest something in connection with nuclear testing.

They decided to pass around cups of water, 'to symbolise the terrible thirst experienced by people with radiation sickness.' I ventured to suggest that this wasn't a very effective 'teachable moment'. They got outraged. This was *their* theatrical performance, and they were determined to enjoy it.

Contrast: yesterday at the church during service, we saw some photos on the big screen. From Africa. Of lots and lots of plastic cups. Each one had a child's name painted on it. Also, children smiling.

The church sent money to the school so they could buy enough plastic cups for these desperately poor children to have their own cups at school.

The Ebola rate has gone down. They bought other things, too, but the cups delighted the kids so much they took pics.

Sorry, didn't mean to run on, but I thought you might enjoy knowing that.

Save me from my saviours!

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Too late, Dmitri. If topic drift has already started, I am powerless to prevent it from advancing further.

Two big coffee chains (D****n Donuts and "H******w) have dropped their styrofoam coffee cups in favor of double-sided paper cups. Purists complain that these will still be unrecyclable because of the plastic linings.

More and more people are electing to be cremated rather than buried in coffins. Is this environmentally better, or a contributor to high carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? A third option is emerging: being composted.

So, yes, have your guerrilla theater or chain yourselves to the highest branches of that endangered Redwood, or write to your representatives. If six or seven billion individuals got on the same page and used less fuel, or reused things instead of "recycling," that would make a difference.

Just sayin'.

FWR, please forgive me, and continue with your fascinating story. smiley - grovel

Save me from my saviours!

Post 5


Obviously we have averted Nuclear Holocaust by dint of street theatre and mime!

And lo, the Prophet produced from within her tie-died smock a simple chalice of water, "Let he who hath understanding groove out on the thirsty vibe and sticking it to the man pass the cups amongst the wise...."

No more to this tale, just an annoying encounter with someone who knows no better...forgive him Freeway for you have tee shirts older than the prat!

Re-use rather than recycle? Now there's a novel idea mate....the snowflakes will swoon....what about germs and coolness and likes on facebub? You swine sir!

smiley - cheers

Save me from my saviours!

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Somehow, I think Jesus would be down with the reused cups. smiley - ok

Save me from my saviours!

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Good point. I think Sir Galahad believed he had found one of those used cups.

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