A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21
FF: Week Four
sprout Posted Nov 17, 2011
Man City v Newcastle (1-1 Cabaye)
Chelsea v Liverpool (1-1 Torres)
Dundee Utd v Hearts (1-1 Russell)
Scunthorpe v Hartlepool (0-0)
Los Angeles Galaxy v Houston Dynamo (2-1 Goldenballs)
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 17, 2011
Man City 2-2 Newcastle (Ba)
Chelsea 3-1 Liverpool (Mata)
Dundee Utd 0-1 Hearts (Stevenson)
Scunthorpe 3-2 Hartlepool (Grant)
Los Angeles Galaxy 1-3 Houston Dynamo (Ching)
FF: Week Four
Yakus Posted Nov 18, 2011
Man City 2-1 Newcastle (Ballotelli)
Chelsea 1-1 Liverpool (Suarez)
Dundee Utd 1-2 Hearts (Daly)
Scunthorpe 2-1 Hartlepool (Grant)
Los Angeles Galaxy 2-2 Houston Dynamo (Ching)
Glad the normal time frame has resumed this week.
FF: Week Four
Mu Beta Posted Nov 18, 2011
You guys realise that Bobby Grant has played 26 games for Scunthorpe without scoring, right?
FF: Week Four
Trout Montague Posted Nov 18, 2011
Coincidentally, according to wa*kapedo he played 26 games during season 10/11 with no return.
FF: Week Four
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Nov 19, 2011
Man City 3 Newcastle 1 (Silva)
Chelsea 2 Liverpool 0 (Torres)
Dundee Utd 1 Hearts 1(Daly)
Scunthorpe 0 Hartlepool 0 (-)
Los Angeles Galaxy 2 Houston Dynamo 1 (Donovan)
FF: Week Four
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Nov 19, 2011
Man City 2-1 Newcastle (Dazeko)
Chelsea 0-0 Liverpool
Dundee 2-0 Hearts (Dalla Vale)
Scunthorpe 1 - 2 Hartlepool (Sweeney)
LA G 3 - 1 Houston Dynamo (Donovan)
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 19, 2011
Man city 3-1 Newcastle (BALOTELLI, Richards, Aguero, Gosling)
Dundee United 1-0 Hearts (ROBERTSON)
Scunthorpe 0-2 Hartlepool (MONKHOUSE, Sweeney)
Two full houses in the city game: McKay and Alfredo
Scores so far:
Ferretbadger and Mr603: 7
McKay and Alfredo:5
Orcus and Yakus: 4
Mu Beta and Otto: 3
Trout: 2
Sprout and Egon: 0
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 20, 2011
Chelsea 1-2 Liverpool (MAXI RODRIGUEZ, Sturridge, Johnson)
Three points to Alfredo, giving him 8 for the week, two to Mr 603 taking him into an outright lead with 9.
I'll update for the final match tomorrow night, after I've watched ESPN time-delayed coverage of the MLS Cup
FF: Week Four
Mu Beta Posted Nov 20, 2011
Yet again I have cause to say 'Glen Johnson!' with a huge and weary sigh...
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 21, 2011
LA 1-0 Houston (DONOVAN)
Mr 603: 13
Ferretbadger: 11
Alfredo: 10
McKay: 9
Orcus: 8
Otto: 7
Mu Beta: 6
Trout: 4
Sprout: 2
Yakus: 1
Egon: 0
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 21, 2011
Overall totals ( main table to be updated when I get round to it)
1= Mr 603, Mu Beta: 23
3. McKay: 22
4= Orcus, Trout, Alfredo: 20
7. ferretbadger: 17
8. Otto: 14
9. Demon Drawer: 11
10. Sprout: 10
11. Egon: 7
12. yakus: 5
FF: Week Four
Mu Beta Posted Nov 21, 2011
Egon scoring zero is good cause for merriment, if nothing else.
FF: Week Four
Mu Beta Posted Nov 21, 2011
That's fine, it'll lull Psycorp into a false sense of security.
I seem to remember traditionally that he was almost as bad at this game as I was. What's going on?
FF: Week Four
egon Posted Nov 21, 2011
Well, ormondroyd and riot act aren't here anymore, that helps.
Key: Complain about this post
FF: Week Four
- 21: sprout (Nov 17, 2011)
- 22: egon (Nov 17, 2011)
- 23: Yakus (Nov 18, 2011)
- 24: Mu Beta (Nov 18, 2011)
- 25: McKay The Disorganised (Nov 18, 2011)
- 26: egon (Nov 18, 2011)
- 27: Trout Montague (Nov 18, 2011)
- 28: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Nov 19, 2011)
- 29: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Nov 19, 2011)
- 30: egon (Nov 19, 2011)
- 31: egon (Nov 20, 2011)
- 32: Mu Beta (Nov 20, 2011)
- 33: egon (Nov 21, 2011)
- 34: egon (Nov 21, 2011)
- 35: egon (Nov 21, 2011)
- 36: Secretly Not Here Any More (Nov 21, 2011)
- 37: Mu Beta (Nov 21, 2011)
- 38: egon (Nov 21, 2011)
- 39: Mu Beta (Nov 21, 2011)
- 40: egon (Nov 21, 2011)
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