A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 61

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ta
>> I'm not saying whether wings is right or not,
just clarifying who it was aimed at. <<

Thanks Geggs.
I have grown quite accustomed to being mis-read and
misunderstood. It's my Canadian accent and a general
inability by many here to see just how un-serious my
entire attitude to life really is. A couple of times a year
I have to post reminders that nothing I say can ever be
taken seriously and that nothing I say really matters
- unless it brings the smiles and joy intended.

Irony and ridicule are lost on so many and it would be
sad if it wasn't so damned funny. To me at least.

I have so many pearls and they have so little time.

smiley - ok

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 62


smiley - space
yes ~jwf~ you ARE fvery punny smiley - smiley

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 63


I spent most of towel day on cyberspace and put a picture of the edge of my towel with some shagbark nuts on facebook. I also noticed Pierce the Pirate and Sagragenius V also had towel pictures there.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 64

Baron Grim

I did manage to fly my blag towel as a flag over our biker campground. I don't think anyone noticed the significance of it, but it made me grin.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 65



Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 66


Please send your Towel Day photos to comms at h2g2 dot com for a Towel Day wrap up story for smiley - thepost.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2012: h2g2 Announcements - Towel Day

Post 67

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes
Oh there you are Happy; did you get the message
from Geggs that I was not poking my stick at you
as Mr603 accused me but was taking a shot at paulh?

I know you are a hard working volunteer around here
and if I have not said so before then let me thank you
for all your efforts on behalf of this community.

Y'see I know paulh to be a real slackard of the retired
kind - much like my own old self and except for that
heavily guarded border that separates us we are both
mushy peas from the same lazy and decadent pod.

smiley - cheers

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