This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Communications

Time for an update

Post 1


I've popped over here because of the link on the Front Page today, and parts of the user introduction appear to be out of date. Like, for example:

"In the coming weeks we hope to migrate h2g2 from the BBC to servers provided by our partners..."

Could I suggest that it's time for an update? smiley - smiley


Time for an update

Post 2

h2g2 Communications

You're right!

Hey, want to join the Comms Team, Geggs? I could really use the help.

Happy Nerd
smiley - smiley

Time for an update

Post 3


I actually don't know how to answer that.

On the one hand, yes, I would love to join the team. I really would. It be a great challenge and opportunity to work in the interests of the site.

On the other hand, I'm not sure I would have that much time to contribute. I might not even be able to muster an hour a week. Life continues to be frustratingly busy.

So, yes, I would like to join, but I'm not sure I would be much help.


Time for an update

Post 4

Milla, h2g2 Operations

*mumbles something about any help is appreciated, then considers own lack of contribution and shuts up*
smiley - towel

Time for an update

Post 5


I have, entirely off my own bat, because someone ought to do it, so might as well be me, been keeping a QOTD archive at A87720564.

However, I also think it would be worthwhile popping around to the PS of each day's QOTD creator and informing them of their appearance on the FP. But I think that should probably be a Comms job. Though, if I was on the Comms team, I would willingly do it.

Same for new Guide Entries. I know the researcher concerned get an email, but a post to the PS would be nice too, I think.


Time for an update

Post 6

Mrs Zen

Geggs, what you are doing here is excellent. smiley - ok My smiley - 2cents is that if you'd be willing to drop into folks and let them know that would be greate. I do know that Comms is stretched as it is.

Er.... is this you volunteering for the Comms team...? smiley - devil


Time for an update

Post 7


Not sure if I'm volunteering or just giving myself reasons why I should. I'd certainly feel more confident stomping around people's PSs if I had some kind of official backing/capacity.

But, as I say, I'm not sure how much time I would be able to offer in other respects.


Time for an update

Post 8


Good morning, Geggs. Always inspirational to wake up after posting the Announcements the night before and see this sort of initiative.

I'll be sure to bring your initiative up at the next meeting. I'm not sure whether it falls more under Comms as a type of message, and therefore a communication. Perhaps it would fall more neatly under the Community Editors, as the sort of activity that would encourage fun and insightful conversations among the h2g2 Community. But that's why we have meetings. smiley - biggrin

Thanks, Geggs. I'll be sure to get back to you on this great idea.

smiley - smiley
Happy Nerd
Comms Team

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