A Conversation for Classic Childrens Toys [original article]


Post 41


To submit an article for approval, simply click on the 'edit' link beside your article's title on your homepage (it's down at the bottom on the left-hand side), then on the editing page there's a button marked "Submit this article for approval" (you have to scroll down a bit below the editing textbox).

To put a link into a journal or forum (this thing) posting, just type the full link, including the http:// (happytap) part.



Post 42

The Bad Kind of Puppy

Thank you very much for your help. I will hopefully soon try to improve my article on Lego to a point where I think it is good enough for submission and then do just that.

Thanks again,


Post 43

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Tuborg? TUBORG??? I invoke the Ox of Boll. I have just arrived back form Belgium. Now those guys *really* know how to bre beer!

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