A Conversation for FOSH

Peer Review: A4156256 - FOSH

Post 1


Entry: FOSH - A4156256
Author: Toffewhisper - U1601666

This is the fastest growing game of today's youth. Can be played by adults and children alike and I'm sure you'll find it's a heap of fun. Woo.

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 2


Well, this is a very interesting entry, but, umm... well, it doesn't have a very large amount of practical applications, does it? I'll wait for someone with more definitive views to come along and say something about that.

Anyway... you need to get rid of first-person references in the entry, as mandated by the <./>writing-guidelines</.>. Therefore, the 'yours truly' in the first sentence is not on, I'm afraid.

Well, I still don't know my way around Peer Review very well (*everyone rolls their eyes and says, 'After nine months, Echo? Get it together!'*) so I'll let someone else make some more definitive comments than me.smiley - smiley

smiley - dragon

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 3


Is this game actually played by anyone other than you and your friends? If it is indeed a national phenomenon then it can be turned into an edited entry, however, if, as I suspect, it is a game of your own invention and is only played by a select group, then this entry would be better off in the Alternative Writing Workshop.

smiley - panda

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 4

Kat - From H2G2

Weeeellll.....FOSH stands for:

Friends of Sound Horses
Friends of Sheffield Highschool
Friends of the Schindler House

It's also a band, a surname AND an Australian electronics company.

Bsaically I'm saying that as a UK teenager I've never heard of it being a game, have never played this or anything similar.

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 5



This game is legendary among the local and national community. It is a national phenemenon! Have you not been outside anywhere in the last month? I suspect not.

It is a very complicated game, and it is very amusing to participate in. Honestly, try it. It's even better than it sounds

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 6

Kat - From H2G2

Would like to point out that the above and the author are friends, just for the record.

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 7


Um, yes. Well. Point taken. Ahem.

smiley - dragon

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 8


Surely then this is proof of the strength of the FOSH community?

But I'm sure that won't convince you. However, did it ever occur to you that I might have added popplesniff as my friend BECAUSE they are a FOSH fan?

I'm new to this site and am finding it quite daunting that everyone believes me to be lying. Naturally, when someone does make a comment who knows what I'm talking about, I'm bound to want to know that person as we share an interest. Here is a cake smiley - cake

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 9


just new to this forum type thingy and i saw the title of this threat and had to come and see what you guys make of it. i can't believe most of you have never heard of this game before!!! it seriously is an awesome game, it may sound a bit outrageous but seriously if you give it a go then you will see just how amazing it is.

its like a cross between volley ball and one of those crazy games you used to play as a wee kid, it really is imensely fun and kinda takes you back to being a kid again, teens are too up tight these days, we need to stop trying to be older than our time. screw clubbing, just have a good old game of FOSH. if you feel slightly embarresed by the bizzare nature of the game, then why not tone it down a bit, just at first, get used to playing the game, get used to some of the rules before going on to add in the more complex elements of the game, such as the gnome, washing line and swing. it really is an amazing game, me and my mates at college play it aaaaaaall the time, at first we got some really strange looks from people, but the more we played, the more people became interested and joine in, and now it's a really popular game in my area.

so rock on guys, try some thing new, it really is such an awesome game, relieves stress toosmiley - ok

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 10


I'm quite prepared to believe that you play this game. I've just never heard of anyone else doing so.

If it is played all over the nation then I must have just not noticed. Could I ask, just for information, and seeing as I have missed it, how you know that it is played all over the nation? Is there a website? Or a league of some kind?


A4156256 - FOSH

Post 11


Funny you should say so, a website is currently under construction for FOSH and if you are interestred i will keep you posted.

The reason I know it is played in a lot of places is that i tell old friends who live elsewhere about it and they introduce it in their own area.

It would be great if there were international FOSH competitions, but as I have mentioned before it is still in its early stages. I am aware of students playing this game after tests etc and there are now enough FOSH teams to make a mini league.

FOSH can be played however you want to play it, really. Some play it for a laugh when there isnt anything else to do, more competetive players develop tactics and practise playing with their team.

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 12


So, if you are spreading the game by telling your friends, could you tell me it you are the creator of the game as well? If not, where did you hear about it from?


A4156256 - FOSH

Post 13


It looks like Toffeewhisper has elvised (last posting June 9th, more than 2 months ago), so I propose a move back to the entry, as it seems to be too obscure for an edited entry. Any seconds?

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 14

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

This really is getting to be a habit isn't it smiley - winkeye

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 15


It does seem that way smiley - smiley. I think it's just I'm in the right sort of mood for moving, so I want to do as many as possible. Do I take that as a second, by the way? smiley - smiley

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 16

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


I must admit that I have to be in the right mood to start sweeping out PR, and I havne't been in that frame of mind for a while smiley - sadface

A4156256 - FOSH

Post 17


what? whats all this moving business about? cant say i entirely understand

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