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August 2023: Bunny Wins Oscar
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Sep 7, 2023
It's that time again. Time to look at video numbers.
In August, we got 9 new subscribers.
1,518 total views. 763 minutes (12.7 hours) spent watching our videos.
I attribute a lot of the attention to a thrilling blockbuster entitled '42 Seconds of Bunny Profile'. In this suspenseful thriller, the bunny stands completely still, while *twitching its nose*. It was a crowd-pleaser: a huge audience (655 people) have seen it.
Hollywood, take note.
Also very popular: Sagrys on Catnip. Of course, it was Willem's kitty's acting skills that put that one over the top. Talk about screen presence.
'Duck Soup' also did well at the Youtube box office. This was some footage I shot over at the Hoggett Farm. The ducks are very photogenic.
As usual, if you see something video-worthy, feel free to send the clip to me for editing and inclusion.
Technical note: In its continuing bid for world domination, Microsoft has taken away my old movie app and replaced it with a new, more complicated one. This is so that they can continually advertise a subscription upgrade. I refuse to take the bait. But after a certain amount of cursing, I believe I have wrestled the new system into submission and even found some positive aspects of the new tool.
Such as special effects and the recovered ability to use my own music for sound tracks. Result: a short subject that would have made us all happy in 1968.
If you want to peruse the videos, check out the channel at
August 2023: Bunny Wins Oscar
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 7, 2023
"In this suspenseful thriller, the bunny stands completely still, while *twitching its nose*. It was a crowd-pleaser: a huge audience (655 people) have seen it." Yay bunny!
Glad you're managing to wrestle your new software into submission. That is impressive kaleidoscope effect - psychedelic indeed
August 2023: Bunny Wins Oscar
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 7, 2023
Glad you liked it! I have to try out all the bells and whistles on the way, so expect more weird videos.
Anybody using Clipchamp, be warned: their 'AI' feature is dire. And 'self-tutorial' is stretching it a bit. But persistence and cussing pay off.
August 2023: Bunny Wins Oscar
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted Sep 8, 2023
Knock 50 odd year off my life
and I might get a grasp on what this internet thingy is and how it operates ?
twitter becomes X ?? it's birds that twitter!
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August 2023: Bunny Wins Oscar
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