A Conversation for Hippies


Post 1


there is a flourishing neohippie culture in the 90's based predominantly around new music, social and cultural issues.
feel free to email me for more info...

phish is the greatest band ever :0



Post 2

Taipan - Jack of Hearts

hey, dude......

I don't think you've got the idea, man.

Like, hippy and neo together?

wow, man - that's like a really heavy trip, you know.



Post 3


like totally i saw one the other day at a fleamarket selling like tie dyed shirts, patachouli oil and guatamalan clothes. Perhaps this is how they are tied to the actual real hippies.I mean it was far out i took pictures and all smiley - smiley


Post 4

The Lackadaisical Maestro

I am rather confused as to the pretext of neohippie culture. The original culture, as stated in the article, was based on a ridiculously futile anti-war protest and copious amounts of mind-altering drugs. As I am unaware of any American involvement in any war, and as the most popular drug amongst the neohippies seems to be hashish (potent, however hardly mind-altering), I fail to see any reason to associate this group of people with the old hippie culture. Why not call them wierdos?



Post 5

The Lackadaisical Maestro

Damn, I must have been in a really bitter mood when I wrote this, my appologies to any who may have been offended. Actually, hippies can either be really cool or really stupid, depending on whether they hold to a set of beliefs or if they just want to be accepted within a subculture. My opinion is, take them as they come, but dont judge prematurely.

Lackadaisical Maestro


Post 6


the "neo-hippies" i know are involved with a acid and 'shrooms-both mind altering drugs. ALthough there is no war to protest, they seem to be more involved in environmental issues, as well as human rights movements such as Save Tibet.


Post 7

Gwen (Researcher 114583)

I consider myself a "psudo hippy". I love the music, the idealism, the clothes, but I don't do drugs, sleep around, or agree with *all* of the philosophies. I think being a hippy involves a lot of individualism, and if my individualism involves not marijo, then so what. I use the internet a big part of communicating with other people, though I find most of the "hippies" to be stoners. Check the website forums at hippy.com.

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