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String Theory and The Higgs

Post 1


According to my very, very scetchy understanding of String Theory, sub atomic particles are all identical strings. It is the frequency at which the strings vibrate which determines which partcle they are and all the associate properties of that particle including mass.

If have I have this correct, and it wouldn't surprise at all if I haven't, is the Higgs field required to give particles mass according to String Theory?

String Theory and The Higgs

Post 2

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Higgs isn't required by String Theory, which has its own stuff about mass... it *is* required by the Standard Model of particle physics and without it a new Standard Model would be needed.

String Theory, while certainly compelling and supported by many prominent physicists is thought, my some, to be a load of dingos' kidneys.

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