A Conversation for Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 21

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Are you still working ont his one, Malc?

smiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 22

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Hope he is 'cos its a very interesting exploration, clearly well researched what with the bibliography et al.

But I do think that you're really ignoring a lot of history by making terrorism a post September 11th phenomenom. England (to an extent Britain) had to deal with terrorism since the '60s from the IRA. That is still close enough to be considered modern. Also perhaps you might want to show where terrorism would be considered a good thing? It might be risque but people do forget that during WWII the French resistence helped to sink many German U-Boats for the war effort, this was, however, terrorism. Yet it helped to bring down the Nazis. People don't always like to acknowledge this terrorism is connotated with a bad word, but nevertheless its still true.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 23


Hi guys
Thanks for the interest. This is an ongoing (neverending it seems) project so yes I am still working on it. Keep giving me pointers and I'll try to improve it some more. Without you guys I can't do very much, I need the input you see? So that hopefully answers Mick's quwestion. Tony, to be honest this artical was never meant to be a definative history of terrorism, The new 'historical bit' was included to satisfy certain readers (such as Jimster's) requests, Doesn't read too badly, but still questioning whether it was a good move or not. Tony, I agree with your statement that 9/11 can not in any way be regarded as the beginnings of terrorism. What I do believe however is that unlike other historic acts of terrorism, 9/11 changed the way that the international system operated. Suddenly the western world became more militantly xenophobic, and anti-terrorism became a buzzword that could be used by any government to justify anything. I will reread the article to see if i've made some error (not now thou, too buggeredsmiley - smiley) I may change the way in whichI refer to modern terrorism, but I don't think that I should go into too much detail, I think part of the strength of any piece is how effectively an audience can absorb it, and quite frankly I don't believe many people have the time or energy to absorb a 900 page dissertation on terrorism (in this forum anywaysmiley - winkeye). Thanks for the input, be sure to check back in a couple of days, I'm sure I will make at least some changes at your suggestion. Goodnight guys, I have to get up early tommorow to watch the Springboks beat the All Blacks (hopefully) at the house of pain. Wish me luck.
smiley - cheersCheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 24

Skankyrich [?]

It's a lot of work for someone to just abandon. Move back to entry in the hope that malcstonbru comes back?

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 25


skanky, any chance yu can get on msn quickly? see my latest post on eye thread.

Sorry to butt in!


A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 26


Hi Guys
I'm back! Any chance this thing will ever make it to the edited guide?
Msmiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 27

Not him

You might add some formatting, if you're still around: headers etc.

apart from that, i'm posting to bring this wholly worthy entry back to the top of peer review.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 28


Nice!smiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 29


smiley - erm

Did you make any changes, or note the comments, or are you just commenting that it's nice to have comments?

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 30

Skankyrich [?]

I repeat my 'back to entry' suggestion; this isn't being worked on, but the author may just pop back in to finish it off. Any takers?

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 31

Sho - employed again!

ack, and I was just about to say it would be good if it would cover something more: IRA, RAF (not the Royal Air Force), Baader Meinhof and such like.

And why, when it does not really seem to change anything, why more and more groups turn to terrorism.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 32

Wilma Neanderthal

I would take out the word: Introduction at the beginning. Still reaing. Got comments but will collate and return smiley - winkeye
smiley - run

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 33

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - erm reading

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 34

Wilma Neanderthal

>>> Terrorism as we know it today is a relatively modern phenomenon, starting in the sixties and seventies with a series of airline hijackings by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO). However, terrorism in its broadest sense is much older than this, and many cases can be found throughout human history <<<

Hmm, 20th Century terrorism started much earlier than this. King David Hotel, for example?

This is from the Irgun official history website.

and this is from the FBI site:

Irgun began in 1880.... have a look at their founder: http://www.etzel.org.il/english/people/frame.htm (still from the official site) Their first big "operation" was in April 1920.

I have just given you the first little thread. Pull it and skeins more will fall out into your lap. I pulled out the zionist stuff because you imply the PLO wre the "first" terrorists, which they were not. Begin was once on the British most wanted list smiley - erm Politics is a very strange creature and terrorism shows its ugly underbelly.

I think more research is needed here.

smiley - cheers


A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 35


Thanks Wilma
Comments Noted. Will try get this fixed by the end of the week. Sorry for neglecting this for so long, just been busy busy busy. This entry by its very nature can tend towards being an encyclopeodic history of terrorism. I do not pretend to know everything that there is to know about this subject or all of its history. I propose to simplify the beginning of this piece and cut out all the sweeping statements etc. This entry is not meant to be the definative history of terrorism. Any comments or suggestions as to what I have said here? Any help is always appreciatedsmiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 36

Wilma Neanderthal

Hi there, malcstonbru,

IMHO I think you're right. This is fodder for a thesis quite frankly... and it could get more and more painful the longer it stays in PR smiley - laugh

Perhaps if you change the title to reflect the fact that this is but an overview of terrorism - or even start a challenge or uni project? Get people to step in and cover different aspects? All "off the top of my head" suggestions.

Something is obviously not working as it is - which I think is a great pity as you have some important info in here. Maybe have a think and see what you prefer to do? Maybe a scout could step in here and advise? I would like to see this in EG.


A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 37

Wilma Neanderthal

Still working on this, M?
smiley - ok

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 38

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Author Elvised, nominate move back to entry, or possible Flea Market?

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 39

Wilma Neanderthal

I vote fleamarket,
... and Seconded.

smiley - ok

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