A Conversation for Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Peer Review: A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 1


Entry: Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today - A4103759
Author: malcstonbru - U1566184

I wrote this essay (since edited) last year as part of a research assignment at university. While researching I came to some startling conclusions about how governments respond to terrorist groups, especially the American ‘War on Terror’ strategy. I realised that often governments act with complete disregard for the intentions that a terrorist organisation might have had. America’s war on terror actually plays into Al Qaeda’s hands. Shouldn’t governments do some research to find out their enemy’s goals before they act? This is not a rally for support or a political rant, merely an analyses of the facts. Readers should draw their own conclusions.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Hi, sorry nobody has got onto this yet in PR, words will be had !!

anyway, quick skim though, Muslim should be captialised

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 3

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Take a look at the section on 'Terror on the Airlines' in this entry: A2459711 - it'll help you catch the beginnings of the phenomenon.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 4

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - footprintsWell, I've only scanmned this Entry so far. It looks good, content-wise.

My initial comments are to change a few words here and there so that the work is tailored to h2g2. For e.g. in the first para:


essay > Entry
this document > this Entry

There are almost certainly other examples of this which you should weed out.

I may well be bacjk to have a more detailed read.

smiley - goodluck

smiley - biggrin

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 5

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

P.S. There are almost certainly hyperlinks you can make to other EG Entries. Some words I would try are:

Muslim, Islam, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, USA, New York, Arab...

smiley - biggrin

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 6


Thanks for the advice, but how do I put hyperlinks in my entry?
Malcstonbrusmiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 7


Thanks for the link Jimster.
Very interesting, but this entry is not a history of terrorism, but an exploration of why it is such a popular form of warfare. Perhaps someone should write an enry on the history of terrorism, I would certainly be interested.

Malcstonbrusmiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 8


Hi Jon
Thanks for lokking at my entry. I looked for my offensive un-capitalised typo (Muslim), but couldn't find it. I must be tired or something. Please could you tell me which paragraph it is in, and I'll fix it.
Much obliged. Cheers
smiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 9

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

the paragragh starting : The United States has responded ...

has muslims and Muslims in it



A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 10

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

"Thanks for the advice, but how do I put hyperlinks in my entry?"

smiley - erm Look for keywords which may have GE's written about them.

Type these words into the 'Search h2g2' box at top write and click 'Go'.

If it throws up any hits, select the one(s) which are in the Edited Guide.

Look for the 'A' number and copy it.

Go back to your Entry, find the keyword and highlight it.

GOTO the top of the page where ytou will see a row of boxes, one called 'Links'.

Click on this and a box will appear at top left.

Paste in the 'A' number you've copied, then 'Enter'.

That word in your text shopuld then be hyperlinked to the h2g2 EG Entry you have selected.

smiley - goodluck

smiley - biggrin

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 11


Thanks mate, all fixed nowsmiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 12

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Well, these are only 5 words/phrases in the text from which you could create hyperlinks to EG Entries:

terrorism A330995
United Nations A471250
Guerrilla A471241
Saddam Hussein A430075
World Trade Centre A3478043

I'm sure there are some others.

smiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 13

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi Malcstonbru,

The reason I posted that link is that the events described there were what kickstarted the wave of terrorism we're experiencing today. In terms of modern history, it's a very short leap. Even if it were just one line saying just that - that modern terrorism can be dated back to the late 1960s and early 1970s.

smiley - smiley

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 14


Fair enough, I have included a paragraph very briefly outlining the early history of 'modern' terrorism. Tell me what you think.
Cheers smiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 15


Hi mate, Can't find that button you mention to create a link. For some reason it doesn't show on my screen. Could this be some kind of technical problem? Thanks for all the keywords, I promise I will make the links as soon as it becomes possible for me to do so. I really apreciate the support.
Cheerssmiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 16

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - erm It might be 'coz you're not editing in GuideML.

In 'Edit' mode, look to the bottom of the screen and you'll see a button which says 'Chanhge Style'. Click on 'GuideML'. Then you'll get a box with tools to enable you to embolden, underline, add links etc etc.

smiley - biggrin

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 17

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Click on 'Guide ML', then click 'Update the Entry' and then when you next edit it, you'll have the edit buttons you need.

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 18


Sorted, I think. Check it out!
Thanks Guys
smiley - cheers

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 19

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Looking good now Malcsmiley - ok. But the first hyperlink (terrorism) isn't working smiley - sadface. Have a look to see what's wrong.

smiley - biggrin

A4103759 - Why terrorism is such a popular means of warfare today

Post 20


Thanks mate
Got it to work now, I don't understand what went wrong in the first place, but the new link works.
cheerssmiley - cheers

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