This is the Message Centre for Vamster
LQ - Just plain old LQ Started conversation May 15, 2007
Helen just directed me to this page after I revealed I was a member of this wonderful community (albeit not a very active one, to be honest) I figured it was time to make yet another friend on here - bringing me to the amazing total of two! Wow!
Oh, and if you don't know who I, you'll probably figure it out. Or Helen will tell you.
Very nice home page, by the way, although I can't agree with your comments about the H2G2 film - it was awful, in my opinion. And gets worse on repeated viewing. Eurgh.
Anyway, hello again!
Vamster Posted May 26, 2007
Hello, I have my rather strong suspiscion as to your identity.. I'll ask Helen for confirmation when I see her in a bit.
I don't come on here much either,most of the threads I once frequented/inhabited being a bit...dead really- French/German speaking, The Pond and P-Space in general (if you are who I think you are, you may be able to see the root of that). But H2G2 was great when I first joined. I wrote my intro quite some time ago now, having only watched the film once, so...
I feel I should offer you something, but perhaps you don't like or
Where's the name come from?
Bye for now,
LQ - Just plain old LQ Posted May 28, 2007
Sounds like you know who I am...tea would be infinitely preferable to chocolate or cake. Thank you very kindly. And I do indeed know P-Space - my name, LQ, is short for LeonardQuirm, my online persona.
Of course, I believe you have seen Helen in the last couple of days so if you rememebered to ask you'll already know you were right. Or wrong, if what I'm guessing you're guessing is wrong. I guess.
How be things going with you?
Vamster Posted Jun 6, 2007
I am right . LeonardQuirm,eh? Is that because you're an inventor, controlled by a dictator, or are a scatty sort of brainiac? Good choice anyway. Mine's less appropriate- v is the initial letter of my name, and there happened to be a toy hamster on the desk when I was creating my account, so...
How did your exams go? What are you doing with your oodles of free time?
Things with me: Mine are just around the corner, starting on Monday finishing on the Wednesday of the week after. Helen's coming down between times to see Muse, as you probably know.
LQ - Just plain old LQ Posted Jun 24, 2007
LeonardQuirm is more because I'm useless at coming up with names. And also, to some extent, with seeing the bigger picture with some things.
Exams went well - wouldn't be surprised if Helen has already complained to you about how well mine went - and my oodles of free time has disappeared. Now I have three months of free time, in which I need to try and find employment...
Hope all your exams went well also! I suppose you're back home by now?
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