A Conversation for Dross Pots

Pins and Needles

Post 1


Dross pots are amazing aren't they? I always find that if i delve into one I am forever sticking my finger on a pin or needle, but whenever I actually need to sew on a button, or hem some trousers (a rare occurance, but it does happen) can I find a needle? Anywhere? I even tempt fate by walking about bare foot (my Gran always told me off for that, saying that I'd step on a needle), but still no needles.

Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 2

C Hawke

Surely there is larger laws here. It's not just in dross pots (a new term to me but one I'll use forever) where you find things you gave up looking for ages ago, but fail to find what you realy are looking for, this is universal. However it only applies to in-animate objects, whilst I gave up trying to find an ideal partner many years ago, one still hasn't turned up whilst I have been looking for a pair to the last sock in my draw.

Life generally speaking sucks, but sometime can surprise you whilst you are not looking.


Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 3

John F

Ah well, the reason for that is you're still looking for the same sort of thing. It's just now you're looking for an 'ideal partner' for your sock, rather than for you.

Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 4

C Hawke

Maybe, but recently I have had to resort to wearing socks vaguely the same, but interesting spin on the theory. If any of my friends start seeing me wearing totally odd socks..........

Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 5


Stop looking for that sock my friend - you obviously haven't read my article on The Sock Monster soundly rejected last week.

As for that perfect partner - keep cruising, one will come along.


Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 6

C Hawke


It must be the same monster that removes the ability of perfectly good, if not very good, web page creators (I refer to your home page), to distinguish between a text entry and a HTLM one after 11:00 on a Saturday night, (I refer to your last message). Good night out was it?

I gave up trying to catch my monster.


Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 7



Pip smiley - smiley

Pins and Needles/Search and find

Post 8

C Hawke

Hey don't worry, be happy, after many years today I wrote my very first HTLM page (as yet too embaressed to devulge location) I'm sure in 5 years time I'll look back on it in the same way I look back on the "software" I was writing 5 years ago, ie with amazement that I could do such crap and get paid for it.


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