A Conversation for UK General and Local Elections 2005


Post 21



Er, it was originally set up so France and Germany would be tied too close together to start another war. The means was trade, but not the sole purpose I don't think.

And re inward investment, companies invest in the UK because it's part of the EU, not despite it. Things made here don't have any tariffs when trading with the rest of the world's biggest, richest market.

One last thing; are people who don't want further integration for the break-up of the UK as well? Because the economic policy for this country is driven by the needs of southern England, which aren't necessarily the same as Scotland, Wales, or even the north of England.


Post 22


Again talk about extremes ~ all i suggested was that we maintainj things as they are ~ at no point did i ever suggest that we should withdraw from Europe that would be a terrible idea.
There has been no compelling argument to convince me that political intergration would in any way shape or form be in British best interests.
We can be part of Europe without being ruled by it.


Post 23

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Agreed Pixel

Novosmiley - blackcat


Post 24

Beer Elf

I worry that we are unable to keep our relationship with the EU as it is, since a decision has to be made with regards to the Constitution, and to the Euro, I apologise for sounding a little extreme earlier, but I've been snowed under with leaflets from Veritas and Ukip for the last couple of days..smiley - bruisedsmiley - bluesmiley - headhurtssmiley - sorry

It tends to make you think that it's all "black and white"


Post 25

Neal Terry

Sorry Pixel but your language implies that you believe us to be outside of europe. We are not ruled by some alien force nor would we be. We are ruling as much as ruled. Particularly as we have a voting dominance along with France Germany and Italy. Interestingly the constitution actually enshrines the right to withdraw from the Union in a way which has not previously been formulated.

Do read the proposed constitution, its not page turning stuff I'll admit but it is informative.


Regards, SGG.


Post 26

Neal Terry

Jealous am I!

I would love to see some Veritas and Ukip electioneering material, but as a resident of one of the safest Labour seats in the country, I don't suppose I will.

Regards, SGG.


Post 27

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

I quite like the epithet 'Tree Hugging Europhile'. Unless we all begin to be more concerned about our immediate and global environments our quality of life will decline.

And, considering what a force for peace Europe has been, how else do we, the British, see ourselves in the global theatre. NATO is fast becoming an innappropriate model, increasingly used as an extension of USAsian unilateral action. What do we think will replace it.

Now that TB has signed us up for, in principle, the Trident replacement, payback for Iraq?, do we really see ourselves as a credible, stand alone, Nuclear force. I can see the Chinese quaking in their boots.

IMHO a whole hearted committment to both a European foreign and defense policy is the only realistic future for Britain.


Post 28


" but your language implies that you believe us to be outside of europe." smiley - sorry if you think my language implies that but just for the record one last time.
I am not advocating any withdrawl from the EU nor do i want us to lesson our current ties.
I just do not believe i have heard any credible or compelling arguments which show we as a country would be better off under a European Constitution.
Yes i did wade through your link ~ still not convinced.


Post 29

McKay The Disorganised

AS regards this -" Why on earth we should hang onto such a distant lump of rock anyway is another argument.(Falklands) It is currently the most promising new development area for oil and gas - or rather the seas around it are.

Regarding Europe - so we're going to vote - and its one man one vote ? So 1 vote for Ireland, 1 vote for Poland, 1 vote for UK, 1 vote for Germany ? Think how many different ammounts of people that 1 vote represents. Similarly when it comes to elections - the differences across Europe as to what a socialist is are frightening.

The European constitution is a hodge-podge of compromises, not necessacerily a bad thing, but not automatically a good thing either.

smiley - cider


Post 30

Mol - on the new tablet

Well, by the looks of the French result, we in the UK won't get to vote at all ...



Post 31

McKay The Disorganised

But..... But.... But....... Tony PROMISED

I seem to recall him saying regardles of the French and Dutch votes we would be having a referenduum.

Or could it be he knows the only chance of getting the country to vote yes is to have us as the last state, when everyone else has voted in favour ?

smiley - cider


Post 32

Mol - on the new tablet

I'll ask in the office tomorrow smiley - biggrin


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