A Conversation for Bristol

Bristol Balloon Festival

Post 1


does anyone know the exact date of the fab event this year? if you have attended before what ungodly hour did you need to get up in order to see the morning flights? is it better to stay on the city side of the bridge and watch from there, or be in amongst them on the ground, so to speak?

Bristol Balloon Festival

Post 2


The Balloon Festival is usually in the first week of August, so I would guess that it is 5-9 August this year. It is fun to watch the balloons from the launch site, but to see the whole flotilla floating go to the Observatory above the Suspension Bridge on the Clifton Village side or on Brandon Hill near the Triangle. The prevailing wind is usually SW, so the balloons will pass overhead if you are lucky. Mass ascents are at 6am and 6pm, weather permitting.

Bristol Balloon Festival

Post 3

Spirit of Olias (occasional spectre)

It is best if you can get there by about 6am for the morning ascent, which is the best because it's not crowded then.
For the evening I suggest you watch from afar, especially if Bristol City have got a match like last year. smiley - winkeye
A good place to watch from is Bedminster Down.

Bristol Balloon Festival

Post 4


The date of the festival is 5-8 August this year.smiley - smiley

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