A Conversation for In the name of DNA. What is going on ?

Talking to myself

Post 1

Ancient Brit

Gnomon told me off for playing around but as a none techy the only way that I can test things is to have a go. Making links was a problem but posting 'A' numbers seems to do the trick. A79924701 will link this thread. How about this post at http://www.bbc.co.uk/entry/A79924701/conversation/start/F20098270
or A79924701/conversation/start/F20098270 or F20098270

Talking to myself

Post 2

Ancient Brit

Try the link that would have worked on the old system - F20098270?thread=8012490

Talking to myself

Post 3

Ancient Brit


Talking to myself

Post 4

Ancient Brit

How on earth do you find a link address for a specific post ?

Talking to myself

Post 5

Ancient Brit

Thursday 10th.Feb.2011 - Using plain text is still impossible. The Editor puts HTML Line breaks ?BR? into the text and this post will not accept the use of *less than* and *greater than* signs so I have used ? marks. Asterisk signs are used to replace apostrophes to avoid corruption of the post when viewed in the old system.
Will see if the first few lines of the entry can be corrected in the old Editor.

Talking to myself

Post 6

Ancient Brit

An entry can be simply created in the old editor.
Plain text entries in the new system are corrupted with line breaks
and this post made in the old site conversation accepts the '<>' signs and 'apostrophes'.smiley - ok

Talking to myself

Post 7

Ancient Brit

What does a new member see when he/she has signed in and visits h2g2 ?
My Front Page is ny Personal Space.
Just a check to see if the &#39;apstrophe&#39; corruption has been cured. This post made from Barlesque.

Talking to myself

Post 8

Ancient Brit

We have Smilies but are the apostrophies cured? smiley - biggrin &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;

Talking to myself

Post 9

Ancient Brit

Doesn't look like it smiley - huh

Talking to myself

Post 10

Ancient Brit

Editing entries still a bit of a mess.

Talking to myself

Post 11

Ancient Brit

Another try 16th. June 2011 - A direct reference to an entry made in plain text using the old DNA site Editor.
The reference is A85038294 an entry called *Weird and Wonderful*

Talking to myself

Post 12

Ancient Brit

I made the above post (Post 11) to this conversation using Barlesque.
It showed up in the old DNA site instantaneously but at the time of writing here in the old site the message had not shown up in the the Barlesque conversation. smiley - huh

Talking to myself

Post 13

Ancient Brit

Oh yes it had. It had gone on to the next page. (Only 10 posts/page, stupid old sod) smiley - biggrin

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