Weird & Wonderful
Created | Updated Aug 31, 2011
Best viewed in Brunel. In fact links will not work in Barlesque. <ok>
The relationship between the BBC and h2g2 remains shrouded in mystery. <smiley>
Go back a few years -
Now here we go again.
<dontpanic> A sequence of events over the years
1 - BBC take over h2g2
2 - BBC strip out the powerhouse of h2g2 and call it *dna* as a mark of respect to Douglas Noel Adams.
3 - DNA Hub introduced and new sites powered by *dna* the BBC website engine are set up.
4 - THE BBC single sign in system adopted. (Each member is given a *U* Number.)
This was the old h2g2 way and h2g2 have the early numbers. Try clicking U42
Even here in Barlesque :-
5 - Message Boards moved over to "dna*
6 - H2g2 left to it's own devices.
7 - The BBC decide to *dispose* of h2g2
Today each member now signs on using the password and user name that has been allocated to their *U* Number.
Having signed on they go to the site they are using but they have access to all sites with that *U*number and dna community site connection.
Never the twain shall meet unless they deliberately make an effort to do so.
It is possible to interact between sites that are powered by the *dna* engine. There is a Big BBC Community that can migrate from site to site.
Members were discouraged from doing this. (I got myself banned for so doing and was rescued by Peta.)
My Hobbyhorse:-
All the BBC Users should be able to interact freely and easily. If it can be done manually it can be done electronically.
In my dream the Home site and collecting base for the Big BBC Community should be h2g2 or H2G2 if it has to be capitalised <smiley>
One Big BBC Internet Society powered by dna the BBC's comunity web site Engine.
My latest round :-
This entry made in plain text using the old dna site
Not sure whether it will move over to Barlesque
Try here :-
In the Weird & Wonderful way of Barleque it *nearly* works even though the entry has not been approved. <ok>
Links do not work correctly. The Barlesque Editors in Plain Text and GML leave much to be desired. <smiley>
Kea's list if missing functions :-
Convo Snatches
An oldie H2g2>WW2>Book Of The Future -
For the record.
More Wandering - :!/AncientBrit :
Editors on DNA -
Ben doing her best -
Let's hope Magrathea wins the day -
Magrethea's Workshop - FAQ's (via Barlesque) -
Happy Nerd puts it straight :-
Natalie via Kea -
Ev makes a point via Moving on -
The DNA collection at its peak :-
The remains of DNA - :
Ongoing for the next 10 years. <huh>