A Conversation for Dragons

cute & cuddly [not]

Post 1

The Flying Dodo

Like to add that there is a pretty wide consensus that dragons are NOT either cute or cuddely. Any pewter model of something emerging from an egg with big bulgey glistening eyes and a beautific expression is probably a BUG.
And that Anne McCaffery [spelling?] does a pretty good line in dragon background, including a smaller version [Fire Lizard] for those who are impecunious, or living in eg a city flat, who don't have room for the full-size article. [well in many cases I guess that would cover most if us].

cute & cuddly [not]

Post 2

Martin Harper

In D&D they have a "mini-dragon", which had another name as well, which was unbearably cute. Right up to the point they burned your hand off... smiley - winkeye

Xanthia - "Don't bite the hand that feeds you - go for the neck instead"

cute & cuddly [not]

Post 3


Try looking at most animals children and they are a lot cuter than the adult forms hatchies are indeed cute even though there parents may have something to say about a greggel crawling about amoungst there kids (greggel = Human)If a being is several milenia old and intelegent it will not always fit the old steriotypes and anyway it whas a lot harder to see who a cow belonged to from the air in the middle ages

Goldenfire (afd)

cute & cuddly [not]

Post 4


Anne McCaffery does do good dragons. As well as a good line of Telepahic/Telekinisis books.

Another one for dragons of course is Tom Holt.

cute & cuddly [not]

Post 5

Syorai Tyrathka

Apparently you think a lot of hatchling dragons are bugs, then. I'm lucky - I don't exist so I can't get eaten by dragons. smiley - winkeye But that's not fair I suppose - the dragons might be nonexistent too, or they might be nice enough not to eat peole. Go to my site here (U183095) if you want to see an explanation of my nonexistence. I think I give one, anyway. I might not.
-Syorai Tyrathka

Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 6

Tysharina (aka tyshadragon)

I've not read any Tom Holt yet, and suggestions about which dragon-related ones to read first?



Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 7


Paint Your Dragon

Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 8

Tysharina (aka tyshadragon)

Thanks, I will add it onto the huge list of dragon books I really need to read!

Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 9

Tysharina (aka tyshadragon)

I've just finished Paint Your Dragon, very funny }:=8) I'm now trying to get hold of Nothing But Blue Skies about Karen the Chinese Water Dragon who is working as an estate agent!



Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 10


yeah i think i saw that, must read it.

Tom Holt Dragon Books

Post 11

Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector

I don't think i look Cute and Cudly ..

am heavely Armoured with Golden Scales coverin my compleet body so no i realy aint cudly ..
would be painfull for the pers that tries it

*xcept if its an female dragon opfcourse *grin*

Dragantha thuh Aila`n-Druak a Ara a Athi Oaf Mae Ani CrimsonNoire

Cute and Cuddly?

Post 12


I dont know about NOT being cute and cuddly, Least I am if your another Dragon. My hatchlings are cute as a button and their scales are still relatively small, and smooth. *Smiles*

Few have seen them, many know them, all love them.
Even my sister is a Dragon, though im not sure on her coloring, will have to look next time I visit.

Though I have been known to cuddle the few Skethn`re that have actually befriended me, so far no complaints *Winks*
Seems for an Evil Dragon im quite gentle and careing. Heh!

Cuddle Anyone?

Cute and Cuddly?

Post 13


Yes you are cute n cuddly Crimson.... in my opinion at least. hehehehe

Cute and Cuddly?

Post 14

Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector

Indeed smiley - smiley My Queen you most Deffenitly are cute and cuddly *grinz*

*give the Queen a smaal Cuddels*

smiley - smiley

hmm yeah i agree with my Queen on that as well though




Cute and Cuddly?

Post 15

Dragantha the Golden Dragon .. , 1st Knight and Protector

(continueing reply)
I never say no to the cuddlin My Queen *grin*

but thats nuffin new though ...

hmm i didn't know one of ya sis's was a Dragon ... *smiles*
you learn sumfin new Everyday .....

Hmm true My Queen ,
( fer example ) if i was a Skethn`re ( and i am deffinitly NOT i am a Full Blooded Golden Dragon ) and i was Very close befriended with you i wouldn't complain though *grin*

such a cute sweet n Cuddly lookin dragon Queen *smiles*
but sinse i am a Dragon it aint Relevent though smiley - smiley

Dragantha The CrimsonNoire her 1st Knight and Protector

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