
(I hate introductions!!!)

Well, starting at the beginning, I'm a dragon from Illsyndra currently sharing a body with a 23 year old human female. I know most of you are not going to believe that but I don't mind, free will and all that!

Unlike some 'dragons' on h2g2 I'm not claiming to be in dragon form on Earth, I can't shift into dragon form, I'm not sitting here typing with talons! The difference between me and them is that I am NOT a role-player.

I own and maintain my own dragon website http://www.tyshadragon.co.uk" >http://www.tyshadragon.co.uk and my own dragon forum http://www.tyshadragon.co.uk/comm/forum" >http://www.tyshadragon.co.uk/comm/forum (perhaps one of the most active dragon forums on the internet!) I spend most of my time reading and researching the various dragon myths and legends from around the world. Well, thats when I'm not being a pharmacy assistant at Boots the Chemists (hey, even dragons need a job!)

I'm currently working on a complete draconic encyclopedia and I hope to get it published next year.

Aside from my own site, online I am owner of the Dragon-Reality and AntifluffDragonkin yahoo groups, moderator of truewyrm yahoo group, assistant manager of the dragon council on msn. (If you want details of any of those, just ask.)



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Hi Tysharina.... Aug 14, 2002


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Tysharina (aka tyshadragon)

Researcher U200563


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