A Conversation for I am proud to be a gay man

Writing Workshop: A3479925 - I am proud to be a gay man

Post 1


Entry: I am proud to be a gay man - A3479925
Author: gaymanproud - U1233568

Hi folks,

I know this will sound funny to some, but I am actually proud to be a gay man by birth. I live in Mumbai, India and was born in 1971.
It is not easy to be gay (and out to some people) in India. I am out to be parents (I came out when I was 23). I came out to some folks in my office and almost all my friends. The response has be mixed.
Please write to me at [email protected]

Gay Man

A3479925 - I am proud to be a gay man

Post 2


Hi there! smiley - smiley

Thanks for the work you've put into this! But this forum is more for articles that are going into the Edited Guide, and you'll need to remove it. Sorry. But if you would like to expand on this a little more, maybe you could write an article about coming out in India and the issues facing gays and lesbians there...

We have a gay community on H2G2- A290710 will be of interest to you!

Good luck, and welcome to H2G2!

A3479925 - I am proud to be a gay man

Post 3

toxxin - ¡umop apisdn w,I 'aw dlaH

I don't really understand how you can be proud to be gay, since I don't feel proud to be straight! Either way, it isn't something we've achieved. Neither should we be ashamed, of course. Maybe that is the real point you're making.

However, only being 'out' to some people but not everyone can seem like shame, but might well be reasonable caution I expect. Only a fool would boast about being a witch if there was an automatic penalty of being burned alive!


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Writing Workshop: A3479925 - I am proud to be a gay man

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