A Conversation for Barlesque Feedback

You have no Friends

Post 1


My Personal Space tells me "You have no Friends". ~sniff~ ~sheds a tear~

I think this would be nicer if it says "You have not added anyone as a Friend". Do you think it might be possible to use that wording?


You have no Friends

Post 2

Josh Clarke - The Auburn Time Lord

Hahaha - that's a funny Easter Egg :D
I suppose this is so all associated wordings can read the same - 'You have no followers' etc.
Translating 'followers' with that phrasing then becomes complicated...

You have no Friends

Post 3


smiley - space
smiley - rolleyes heaven forbid that life should become complicated

You have no Friends

Post 4



Did you really have to point that out? In public?
I am, unfortunately, very well aware that nobody still loves me.
smiley - sadface

You have no Friends

Post 5


smiley - space
yeah, whats worse is that if i view your page it says

"Éowyn has no friends"

the negative tone of this phraseology can also be seen in the "approved" and "not approved" designations taking the place of "edited" and "unedited"

You have no Friends

Post 6

The H2G2 Editors

Hi there. We needed a consistent wording so this is what we had to go for. One way to solve it would be by adding some Friends. smiley - winkeye

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