A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Lights in the London sky

Post 1


Yesterday night [23rd], looking south from Kentish Town - in the direction of Regent's Park - I noticed two sets of four-beam spotlights projected from ground level, playing out circular patterns on the clouds. They were there all evening, till at least 11:30pm.

Did anyone else notice this? If so, can you shed some light (no pun intended!) on it?


Lights in the London sky

Post 2

Boys and Cake Girl

It was probably a premiere or a party of some description. I've seen them used in Leicester Square and the times would make sense. Or I could be wrong...

Lights in the London sky

Post 3

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Ehh, I would have though those were so usual in London nobody noticed them anymore. It was probably just a disco advertising or a premiere as someone said. Problem is, ppl often mistake them for UFO´s and they give real trouble to astronomers who can hardly make out the stars.

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