A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What are your (other) favourites

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

You can tell an awful lot about someone from their internet browser favourites list.
Mine, for example -
The whisky shop: [URL removed by moderator]

The Irish Times: [URL removed by moderator]

Code Guru: [URL removed by moderator]
MSDN Online: [URL removed by moderator]

Grimsby Town: [URL removed by moderator]

Tell you that I am a whisky drinking nerd with a dreadfully ill-advised football allegiance smiley - smiley
What do your favourites say about you?

What are your (other) favourites

Post 2

Is mise Duncan

*tumbleweed rolls past*

What are your (other) favourites

Post 3

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

And I thought it was only my posts that got ignored so assiduously...!

I did read this, checked my favourites, couldn't come to any conclusion and left again!


What are your (other) favourites

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Google and Altavista, including the hilarious Altavista Babel Fish

Wexford Ireland Weather Forecast - if the weather's good, I'm off to Wexford for the weekend

Three different places that sell recorders: Early Music Shop, Dolmetsch, Antique Sound Workshop

Clarinet Discussion Groups, Woodwind Fingering Guide


Book Shopping sites: Internet Bookshop, Amazon.

What are your (other) favourites

Post 5

Is mise Duncan

My firewall stopped me looking at the Babelfish - what's that all about then? smiley - sadface

What are your (other) favourites

Post 6

Wand'rin star

How do you have time to surf anything else _and_ do your paid work?

What are your (other) favourites

Post 7

Is mise Duncan

A combination of "Moore's law" (as explained in my Journal ages ago) and preemptive multitasking smiley - smiley


Post 8

Niz (soon to be gone)

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What are your (other) favourites

Post 9


Everything I hear about Niz worries me even further...

...but then I've got FINDAGRAVE.com on my favourites...


Post 10

Is mise Duncan

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Post 11


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Post 12


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Post 13

Zak T Duck

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