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The fad of Body Piercing

Post 1

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

After another day in school where I've had another portion of someone's anatomy shoved in my face to display their latest aquisition
of yet another metal object inserted into said portion of anatomy I'm still wondering when this fad is going to disappear.As the students I teach are 16 and under I'm rather concerned as to how they are getting this mutilation performed on them.I'm still puzzling as to how a 16 year old girl in one of my schools managed to get her clitorous pierced(did she have parental permission)which is what she claimed as she gingerly shuffled out of the classroom.It made me squirm and want to cross my legs as well as give her parents a good shaking.Let us hope she survives the experience as I suspect she may have not infomed them.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 2

I'm not really here

It's not a fad. People have been body piercing for a lot longer than the last few years.
Why do you feel 16 is too young? Lots of mothers have their babies ears pierced virtually the minute they've drawn breath.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 3

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

That´s true, but now it´s turned mainstream. Before it was just tribal ppl and stuff. Except earrings of course.

I also find it quite stupid to pierce babies, couldn´t the parents wait till they´re old enough to say no?

Clitoris? I´ve never figured out how you can do that without causing tremendous pain. Isn´t it basically just a bundle of nerves?

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 4

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Some of these students are UNDER 16 and as a parent and teacher I'm sure that they need parental permission.I'm also sure that if a parent sanctions such a thing as genetalia piercing then they are guilty of neglect if not abuse.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 5

Niz (soon to be gone)

I feel that tattoing is the way to go although I've never had a piercing. Did want my tongue done once, wimped out (lightweight)

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 6

I'm not really here

I really don't see that it is abuse or neglect, anymore than it is to pierce babies ears.
And possibly by clitoris piercing, it's normally the hood that is done. The area is always numbed first anyway.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 7

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I don't agree with piercing a baby's ears either.I hope you aren't a parent and if you are not I hope you never become one.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 8

Garry the Keeper Of The Sacred Barra Lure.

I was wondering anyone here has any experiences with genital piercing that they may care to divulge, I am 47yrs old and am considering getting my penis pierced and a stud or something like that attached.Or is there some other place on the body that can be done and still have the desired effect.?

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 9

I'm not really here

Yes, I am a parent. And I would never consider piercing anything on my child. It's his body, what he does with it is his business. I will make sure that he is educated to the best of my ability so that he is able to make choices for himself. And I hope that his present and future teachers are more open minded than you seem to be. Body piercing is now a fact of life, the same as smoking, drink and drugs. And they go on underage everywhere.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 10

Garry the Keeper Of The Sacred Barra Lure.

I wish I had a mum like you when I was a youngster Mina,other people don't seem to understand.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 11

I'm not really here

I'm not saying that I want him to get pierced at a ridiculously early age, but if he told me at 16 that he wanted one I would make sure he knew the risks, and went somewhere reputable, rather than sneak off behind my back and mess himself up because I've said no.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 12

Garry the Keeper Of The Sacred Barra Lure.

do you wish to discuss collars????

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 13

I'm not really here

Not in a forum called "The fad of Body Piercing"
smiley - smiley

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 14

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

What's wrong with being a responsible parent and making them wait until they are 16?I also think an informed discussion between you as to the why's and wherefores and reasons for waiting until they are 16 is imperative(for any thing that should wait until they are at least 16).I suspect that the students that I've seen who are having their genitalia pierced aren't asking their parents either which means that any responsible piercer won't do it without parental permission so it must be irresponsible ones who are obliging.If a piercer isn't checking on age what else may they not be scrupulous about.I also think that it is a fad that will die eventually when something else takes the fashion industry's interest.However at least piercing is something that will heal hopefully without leaving a scar when the fad does die unlike tattoos.I put the piercing/tattoing into perspective for my daughter when I pointed out that tattoos/piercing look good on young,fresh,taut skin but on old wrinkled skin it looks awful(especially tattoos).The choice is hers now she is 17 but she hasn't done so yet.I just think that a blanket ban on both until 16 is the best solution and a heavy fine for any tattooist/piercer who fails to make the appropriate efforts to check age before operating.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 15

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Somehow I also doubt that the girl has gone and asked her parents if she can have her clitoris pierced smiley - smiley And you´re right, if a guy has done it to a minor without permission, not big chances that his shop is all nice and clean or he knows what he´s doing. But if your child wants to be pierced, I think you should let them after having talked it over with them. But piercing babies seems really wrong. And I don´t think the hole in the ear has much chance of recovering if it has been there so long.

Yeah, the problem with tattoos is that they don´t look very nice on old ppl. Not much fun in having the wolf on your arm turned into a bloodhound. I´d like to get a tattoo, I´m just still considering motives.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 16

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

I just found out that here in Denmark there is actually no legal thing about how young ppl you are allowed to pierce. But on the other hand, piercing hasn´t been around in Denmark mroe than a decade, so it would also be a bit demanding to think the politicians had made any laws about it yet. I´ll check on it again in 2025.

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 17

Wand'rin star

Holes in ears usually grow out within six months if you don't wear earrings even when they've been there for years. (my grandmother had her ears pierced three times in her [admittedly long] adult life)

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 18


Surely the tattoo looks no more disgusting than the skin on which it is etched? Sure, a wrinkly tattoo may not look very nice but that is only due to the wrinkly skin that it’s on – which in your eyes would itself be disgusting?

I take it you’re not looking forward to ageing?

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 19

Niz (soon to be gone)

Also you are talking at a small portion of life. What about the 30 or so years where the tattoo is not wrinkled.

Plus I have a cunning plan.
As I age and I start to wrinkle I will start to put on weight to cancel them out. I may be 40 stone when I go but I will have skin like a babies bum.smiley - bigeyes

The fad of Body Piercing

Post 20

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

A stretched out tattoo-ugh!I saw an old biddy who claims to be the most tattooed lady in the universe on tv the other night-shudder.If you think that you can keep wrinkles a bay for thirty years think again.

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