A Conversation for Ask h2g2

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 41


>>Who do you tell if you see someone doing something which is not the generally accepted norm?

You tell the person that is transgressing, and if they still refuse to meet the standard, then they are clearly a bounder and a cad. Probably an oaf too.


So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 42


Fashion is fickle, here today, gone tomorrow, where as standards/ etiquette and manners are there to be exercised by those who have a feeling of purpose.

Yes we can all slob around and have days off where the relaxed environment promotes such doing.

Life demands that we have rules or codes of conduct, those who choose not to adhere to these, alienate themselves from what most in society consider being as reasonable behaviour.
If your working environment/ company ethics state, that it is expected for you to wear a tie, then you must have good reason not to do so.

A tie worn casually has no such requirements attached to it and is a detachable accessory worn to complete your attire

It seems strange that this piece of cloth can cause so much controversy.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 43


>>It seems strange that this piece of cloth worn like a hangman's noose around your neck, can cause so much controversy.

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 44


It only causes "controversy" because people seem to imbue it with some kind of magical power. As you say, it's just a piece of cloth, not the foundation stone of civilisation. smiley - winkeye

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 45

You can call me TC

*wonders when the phallic symbol thing will be mentioned*

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 46


ties liken to body parts come in many shapes and sizes, its not what youve got, more how you wear itsmiley - winkeye

So WHO says that you need to wear a tie?

Post 47


And how easy it is to tie a knot in it.

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