A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Time difference

Post 1


I really hate the fact that just as the forums start hotting up and more people start coming on line - I have to go to bed so that I can function clearly the next day.....(im in Australia)...

I really hate that...

Time difference

Post 2

JK the unwise

Does any
one use that
swatch beat
time or what
ever that
there marketing?


Time difference

Post 3

Zak T Duck

I've not actually used one of the watches, but I have one of those conversion programs on my home PC.

The internet time thing is a good idea in practice, it should in theory eliminate the need for time zones. However, since Swatch decided to decimalise time in the process (24hours=1000 beats, so 1 beat is approximately 1 minute 26 seconds), it has put a lot of people off and just remains a bit of a gimmick at the mo.

Hang on, I know quite a bit about this, so I might write an entry about it.

Time difference

Post 4

JK the unwise

unifying time is a
hard task but i but
think its a good


Time difference

Post 5

Zak T Duck

But getting people to switch to it is harder still. Look at the trouble caused when we switched over from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian one, people claimed that their lives had been stolen from them. Sad really.

Time difference

Post 6

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

I´d have to say the "Beat"-time is one fo the most stupid concepts I´ve ever heard of. It was a good thing to divide time into hundreds instead of that sixty thing. But instead of bying beat watches, everybody could just set their watch to follow GMT. You would have the same result.


Time difference

Post 7


Ok, More explanation required... what is this 'beat' time that you are talking about?? Ive never even heard of it????


Time difference

Post 8

Zak T Duck

To aid in the explanation, slightly, I've created a guide entry on the topic. It's located at http://www.h2g2.com/A438789

Time difference

Post 9

Niz (soon to be gone)

Time is an abstract concept and I'm having none of it!!smiley - bigeyes

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