A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Don't take it literally!

Post 21

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

There was this danish tv-programme(somehow I keep ending up talking about Denmark on here) where they showed this child toy. It had a screen with a moving picture on it, and it played a lullaby at the same time. It also had all these little things on it for the little children to play with. And it of course had a label saying "Keep this object at a safe distance away from children."

Don't take it literally!

Post 22

Lear (the Unready)

'Sure 24 hour intensive for men. Unbeatable quick dry protection. You cannot buy a qiucker drying roll-on for men.'

Steady on, though, before you go rushing off to perform all your liefstyle tasks for the day, freshly liberated by your radical fast action deodorant. The label also contains a (rather smaller) warning :-

'Allow to dry before dressing'... smiley - winkeye

Don't take it literally!

Post 23

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

This is absolutely true... I've just bought a new electric shaver, with a 60 day money back guarantee - "If you are not completely satisfied, return it to us for a full refund."
But over the top of the shaver is a plastic seal, printed with the words "Hygiene seal - do not remove until you decide to keep shaver."
So what am I supposed to do? Sit and look at it for two months?

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