A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Communication skills training

Post 1

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

I hope you all can help... I have a deep fascination for communication, training, NLP and the like, and a job has come up to train soft skills internally for the company I work for. It will involve training things like assertiveness, conflict management, project management, etc.

I am VERY excited about the possibility of this job (I'm in Sales at the moment which is not really me, though fascinating for examining one's motivation...)

It would really help me if you could share your ideas on new courses I could run, experiences of soft skills training (good and bad), and ideas of how to measure the business benefit of communication training, as I need to come up with loads of ideas for the interview, and indeed for when I'm doing the job and begging for more budget!

I'm away for a few days (friend's funeral...) but am excited to hear you intelligent and helpful people's two penn'th.

Interview is just before the end of September

Thanks in advance


Communication skills training

Post 2

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Well, just for the archives, I got the job...Yay...

*sadly blows a party blower that echoes in the cavernous space of his first attempted conversation thread*

Thanks anyway.


Communication skills training

Post 3

Niz (soon to be gone)

Congratulations from Niz and his Salad cream minionssmiley - bigeyes

Hip, Hip....Hooray


Post 4

a girl called Ben

This post has been removed.

Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 5

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

wow, with Richard Bandler..! I'll check that out now...
I'm very excited, and also a bit scared about the job. I have to commute to London, leaving home at 6:15 and getting home really rather late. Also we have 500/600 staff, but only a budget of £30,000. That's 50 quid a head...hmm... I'm playing with ideas of doing some correspondance courses which might culminate in a day's workshop, rather than always thinking that running a course answers the need, per se.

How's Germany for NLP , I hear they *love* it... (checked out your intro page..!)

aside: I also love learning new languages, just finished my first year of Language Studies degree with Open University (one down, 6 to go...!)My Spanish improves daily (it needs to...!)


Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 6

a girl called Ben

I have the business card of someone else on the course who does management training using accelerated learning and nlp techniques. I can get her to get in touch with you.

The courses McKenna Breen run are great. Where abouts do you live? Commuting into London is tough.

Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 7

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

I live in Bournemouth, which means about two hours each way! I am blessed with a very supportive and understanding partner who says that as long as I'm happy, he'll support my choice (he also happens to have a similar attitude from his partner, lucky boy...).

I have checked out McKenna-Breen and their courses do look very exciting. I was a little unsure about Paul Mckenna (stage hypnotism not being my favourite pastime...) but maybe that's just a kneejerk response. I may have to employ persuasion techniques to convince my esteemed employers to fund me to take the trainer's training, not only showing how much advantage there will be for the training I deliver, but also the business benefit for passing rapport skills etc. to the rest of the staff team. Most of the people I am training are either IT trainers, sales people, or managers. I know NLP is the perfect tool to improve skills of all of the above, yet delivering training in techniques that I have only read about...I choose to feel a little nervous about that...

Any contacts will be gratefully received, but I'm a little loath (sp?) to lose my anonymity here (with a lack of foresight, both my email addresses contain my full name...).

Thanks for your help, Ben, I'll keep you posted.


Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 8

a girl called Ben

I know what you mean about the anonymity thing. I tend to post on most other sites just as "Ben" but it is too gender-confusing for the semi-social chit-chat you get here.

Someone suggested opening another email account with a provider like hotmail or yahoo, using your userID. It only takes a few minutes to do and in my case I would use [email protected] (I haven't done this yet) which means that whoever is sending the email, still only knows your user id.

If I can dig out this woman's details, and you want them, I'll let you know, and if you would like them I can send them to you in that way.

I've never seen Paul McKenna on TV, so when these two guys came on to the stage I didn't even know which was which. Their style is very irreverent, and it is certainly fun and funny; but they take thier professionalism very seriously, and they respect other people's fears and boundaries, even while they challenge them. Richard Bandler is a much more scary proposion!

The Trainers Training may be more about teaching NLP than bog standard training. Not sure.

Good luck with the travelling


Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 9

a girl called Ben

For what it's worth, I have now found this person's business card.

Hope you are still enjoying the job. Give yourself an easy time for the first few weeks while you settle in and get used to the travelling.

Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 10

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Hi Ben

What a great idea! If you could email me at [email protected] that would be brilliant!

I start my job on the 30th, and am finding it very difficult to stay motivated with this one. I'm only here for nine days out of the 16 until I start, but I'm not very good at doing nothing. Hence my increased participation in these jolly parts.

thanks for the good wishes, I'll try and take it easy!...I'm on courses in London next week, so I'm going to practise commuting, making my sandwiches the night before, and ironing my shirt, all that.
There's also making sure my boyfriend doesn't feel like Doris Day at home..if I'm not there, he ends up doing lots of housework which I don't want him to do, then he's cleaned and I haven't noticed...ai, ai, ai... Luckily we communicate quite well so it stops me being Rock coming home to a pot roast with him in his gingham pinny (if you see what I mean)... I think honesty is the only way to look after that one...

Enough barking on about me, thanks for your help, hope you get good advice from *your* thread, too... smiley - smiley


Communication skills training, NLP and the like...

Post 11

a girl called Ben

Hi Afrael
I just sent a second email to guardianafrael - but then thought you might not think to look there.
Have a good weekend

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