A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Saturday Nights

Post 1


What is everyone's favourite thing to do on a Saturday evening, that's wild, and extraordinary? I like doing loads of things which I won't tell you, but I love going out + playing 'games' with people!

Saturday Nights

Post 2


BCNU - Crescent

Saturday Nights

Post 3


on Saturday night It might be my age showing but I like to curl up with my husband and watch the mystery movies, with a block of chocolate and a glass of wine. What could be better smiley - smiley

Saturday Nights

Post 4

Trillian's child

Yes, I was at a loss about what to do in RL on Saturday night. Apart from having to taxi my offspring all over the place at all times of the night, I did feel like going out and doing something myself. But what? There is a street fest on in our town which is usually good fun, but it was pouring with rain. This one horse town doesn't have much else to offer - maybe I should have rung some friends and gone with them anyway, or seen what they had to suggest. I am getting even too lazy to enjoy myself.

It's not easy in Germany to "go down the pub". Because there are no pubs in the sense that we had in GB. You sit at tables, so you are stuck with the people you came with. And there's no "going up to the bar" because it is all waitress service. So you are encapsuled in your little social cage you have provided for yourself. The only way out - i.e. moving to another table - is accompanied by filfthy looks from the staff who come over and start reckoning up for what you have had while at the other table, so as not to confuse them.

That's probably why the Street Fest is so popular. You get what you want at the stand you want and go and sit with whom you want.
Then I could have gone to a larger town, but they are all a good drive away and not suitable for spontaneous nights out. Especially as you spend most of the time there looking for somewhere to park.

Saturday Nights

Post 5

I'm not really here

I have to work on Saturday nights, but often I go round to a friends house after as they get home from the pub about the same time that I finish work. I have to drink lots to catch up with them, then basically we just party all night.

Saturday Nights

Post 6


Sunrise, u had better get your ass back here sometime and explain what u mean by 'games'!! You can't go posting a message like that and then just leaving it can you!?!

Especially when, from the sounds of things, your Saturday nights are more interesting than my own!!!

Saturday Nights

Post 7

Niz (soon to be gone)

Perhaps she means Twister or Monopoly? Naive? I think so smiley - bigeyes

Saturday Nights

Post 8


Ummmmm? She goes OUT and plays GAMES with PEOPLE....?
Perhaps her and her friends go out and play 'knock down ginger'. I used to play this as a child (and although cruel) it's a great laugh. The idea of the game is to knock very loudly on someones front door and run off before they answer. Bother the same address enough and they would end up chasing you (te he!!!)

Saturday Nights

Post 9

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Our name for that was "Ring a bell and run!!"

smiley - smiley

Saturday Nights

Post 10

I'm not really here

Probably plays the same games as we do. Drinking games, then perfectly normal games, but as they are being played by drunken people are much more hilarious.

Or sex games.

Saturday Nights

Post 11


Who said I was a girl????????? It might be a girly name, but that's what people call me. My games - Leave that up to your imaginations I think!!

Saturday Nights

Post 12

Niz (soon to be gone)

I think they're all a bunch of perverts.

Anyway WHAT did you mean by games!!

Oh,... I'm a pervert too

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