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Mostly Harmless?! Not to me!

Post 1

Sjoerd aka Son of Ren

About a year ago i read the guide for the first time. Just a week ago i bought my own copy. The first time i read it it didnt include mostly harmless, my own copy does. Well, i was shocked by it. The ending has left me a bit depressed. You know that feeling when you have been reading a book quite intensively over a couple of days and then suddenly you finish it and you are left with life without the book, a hole, just that empty feeling. Well mostly harmless even takes away the characters, not just the book. Double emptiness (apparently that is possible. the physics of books)! You know, this was all kinda hard to take at 4:20 in the morning.
So anyone else suffer from this shock?

Mostly Harmless?! Burned Bridges.

Post 2

Mostly Harmless

The book "Mostly Harmless" was the fifth book in what was originally a trilogy. After the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy success Douglas Adams wrote "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish". He then wrote two books where holistic detective Dirk Gentry was the main character, another success. I least I enjoyed them. But people still begged, pleaded, demanded, and pestered Mr. Adams to write more of the HHGTTG. I believe the Mr. Adams got tried of the HHGTTG and burnt his bridge with Mostly Harmless. So unless the mice have another planet built and the dolphins save all of mankind the HHGTTG is dead. Arthur Dent, Ford Perfect, Trillian, Z.B., Marvin, you will be missed.

This is all just my opinion and is subject to being wrong. If Mr. Adams would like to correct me I would humbly listen to the truth as he sees it.

A long time fan.

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