A Conversation for Ask h2g2

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Have you come to a point in your life where you have decided 'That's not for me,' and however interesting your fellow beings seem to find something, you know in your heart of hearts that you will never try it out?

Recently I found myself without a book to read, nothing at all that I wanted to read again on my shelves, the local bookstore shut. So in desperation picked up a horror genre, left behind by an unknown visitor. I'm not enjoying the blood and fright, but am surprised that the writing isn't as awful as I had told myself it would be. So, does prejudice prevent us from experience?

At what point in our lives do we close ourselves off? What have you decided never to try? What have you tried out - against your 'better judgment' - and found to your surprise that you did in fact enjoy?

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

"At what point in our lives do we close ourselves off? What have you decided never to try? What have you tried out - against your 'better judgment' - and found to your surprise that you did in fact enjoy?"

Personally, I hope never to ever totally cut out the idea of trying something new... somethign differnt...

As to the second point... I couldn't possibly say on here smiley - angelsmiley - blushsmiley - erm

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 3


>>What have you decided never to try?<<

Apart from the obviously lethal/immoral/stupid stuff, (harsh drugs, skydiving w/o a parachute, religion, etc.), there's not much I wouldn't have a go at, given a chance.

smiley - tongueout

>>What have you tried out - against your better judgment - and found to your surprise that you did in fact enjoy?<<

Eggplant. I mean, just look at the thing.... smiley - erm


I have watched Star Wars. It was boring. smiley - yawn

smiley - smiley

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 4


I would never have watched The Matrix or Fight Club if my sons hadn't kept saying how good they were. Enjoyed them both.
There are things I've felt a sense of satisfaction from doing because they entailed some sort of unusual effort on my part. Not being a risk taker nor seeking a buzz from sporting activities I'm pretty sure I'll never do bunjee jumping, parachuting, mountaineering or white water rafting.

I'm not short of things to do so I'm quite happy risking missing out on something I don't think I'll enjoy.

Food wise I never thought I'd like cabbage, cheesecake or sashimi but I've tried them all and liked them. I'm willing to try most food if it smells good to me, but I'm quite fussy about that!

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 5

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

No - I've never seen Star Wars. And now it's become an ambition to maintain this sorry state of affairs.

But if you don't think eggplant/aubergine is for you, you've never tried my roast aubergine/eggplant and chickpea/garbanzo curry.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 6

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I don't think I'll ever try narcotic drugs of any kind. There have been times when I might have if the opportunity ever arose, but it never has.
As a film buff, I was unconvinced by film musicals for a long time, but several of them have really brought me around. West Side Story is genuinely a very good piece of work, as is Singin' in the Rain, and Cabaret is far darker than many would have you believe.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 7



Here is your star wars synopsis smiley - smiley


I've never watched Star Wars

Post 8


I know that I've read The Worm Ouroboros by E R Eddison but I can't remember even the slightest detail about it. Does that count?smiley - smiley

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 9


Pusser's Rum: A378182

the sad thing is, after Pusser's I sort of lost my taste for Scotch.smiley - sadface

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 10

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>Cabaret is far darker than many would have you believe.

It's a brilliant film, with several jaw-droppingly jarring moments...the cut from Sally screaming under the railway bridge to the SA assault...Tomorrow Belongs To Me....the closing shot with the SA reflected in the cabaret's mirrors.

Plus...I know more than one man who's realised the true nature of his sexuality on seeing Michael York shirtless.

'Oh...screw Monty!'
'I already do, darling.'
'...so do I.'

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 11


Shouldn't that be, "...after Pusser's I sort of lost my taste."

smiley - tongueout

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 12


smiley - tongueout Pusser's brought out the smiley - pirate in me, and that must be a good thing.smiley - smiley

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 13

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Oh Good, new things to try!

Cabaret the movie
Aubergine and garbanzo curry

Pussers Rum? I've not seen it anywhere, why is it so good? I quite like Appletons, and here in the Canaries they have Honey Rum, but that's quite sweet.

I wish I liked Octopus, but it's rather too tentacly for me. I can eat squid, but tentacles in the mouth, no.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 14


'why is it so good? '

because I like it.smiley - smiley

I find it far more satisfying than any other I've tried. It is very smooth and very richly flavoured, more so than others I've tried.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 15

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I don't know what time it is with you Anhaga, but over here it's time for a smiley - stiffdrink cheers!

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 16

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Appleton's is good also. Pusser's is stronger. 'Pusser' is the generic term for 'belonging to the Royal Navy'. Pusser = Purser = Supply Officer.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 17


Any time be Pusser's time, matey! Arrr! smiley - pirate

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 18


Indeed. Any time.smiley - smiley

I went out and got a bottle of appleton's and I'm about to have a tot.smiley - pirate

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 19


Initial impression of Appleton's:

not as smooth as Pusser's but quite nice.

not as rich a flavour as Pusser's but pretty nice.

a lot cheaper than Pusser's, which is very nice.smiley - smiley

Ed: I'm thinking, of course, of http://www.pussers.com/ , not just the genre of navy rum.

I've never watched Star Wars

Post 20


Gambling. I don't have any particular objections to it as such, but the experience just leaves me bored. The thrill factor escapes me. smiley - erm

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