A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The H2G2 movie

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I went to go see the long awaited film only to be, well not acctually dissapointed, but hoping that they will make more than one film! You cant stop at So Long And Thanks For All The Fish can you? ANd the love story between Aurther and Trillian just makes me sick. Who ever said that the only good movies have love stoies?! Then the "sub plot"... isnt that already in the book? Not as emphasizes... but the vogons going to kill Aurther... we knew that already!
Did anyone else watch the TV series and all those extra things too? Like when 'Zaphod' said that if Zaphod can grow and extra arm and head then he could grow an extra... you know.... So when Aurther asked Trillian if Zaphod has two of anything else... I was the only one in the whole theater that actually got that! Depressing...
Also, Did anyone else dress up for the premier?
I went dressed as Ford... of corse! and my friend went as Marvin... please tell me Im not the only caring nerd in this community!
fordsmiley - cheers

The H2G2 movie

Post 2


I think perhaps that you were expecting this film to be an exact replica of the Books or the TV series, however if you went in with this view, you either could pick holes all over the place or be entertained by a thoroughly enjoyable film.

The thing is, is that the TV show was different to the books and the books were different to the radio play so I suppose there isn't one definitive version of "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".

The film I thought was wonderful. I was setting myself up to be disappointed by it but left the cinema with a massive grin. There were loads of scenes that you recognise. Loads of brand new stuff and a pile of little cameo's that really made me giggle.

Don't expect HHGTTG when you go and see this movie. Just share and enjoy.

The H2G2 movie

Post 3

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I tried.. but it left me empty... stupid love story!
I thought it was a good film, but now everyone will think they know what happened in the H2G2 book and tv series and the radio series (wich I bet they dont even know exist) and say they are big fans... and it hurts because they dont know what happend in the book or anything..
fordsmiley - cheers

The H2G2 movie

Post 4


Actually, the movie will probably convince many people to read the books who otherwise might not have.

I liked the film a lot, everything except Marvin's costume in fact. Thought actor who played Arthur was perfectly cast.

The H2G2 movie

Post 5

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

I hated what Marvin looked like..
I liked the fact that they included the old marvin design with the people in line at the vogon release form place!
fordsmiley - cheers

The H2G2 movie

Post 6


I just got back from seeing the movie.....and well it's pretty good. I feel that the TV show handled it a lot better. The film seems in too much of a rush to start, and a lot of the jokes and ridden over and easily missed. I don't know if the fast pace is to suit our American cousins, who we are told don't understand irony (although I've never found this to be the case), or maybe it's because the Hollywood execs didn't understand it. It's a shame really that they makers are obviously hoping for a sequel, because theres no restaurant at the end of the universe, so the could have spread the material out a bit. However once the movie gets about a third of the way in, it settles down and is really enjoyable. I don't really have a problem with the love story, and the actors all do well in their roles (although I must admit some of the TV actors did some of them better). There are also some great new scenes and I really loved the clangers-esque scene when Arthur is sick. All in all a good stab, and worth watching....here's hoping for the sequel

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