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A tricky work question..

Post 1


..your help would be apreciated.
A few months ago the resturant/take away I work for got a new owner. He's a nice enough chap but I suppose like all of us he doesnt like wasting money, to this end he has been 'recycling' some food.
Food that has been heated and not sold on one shift is being kept over and re heated for the next and sometimes a third shift.
Now I think we all know this isnt good news, especialy with chicken.
I have made it clear I am not happy with this, if he gets in trouble its my job and reputation and the very good reputation of the shop on the line too, but he dismisses me as being fussy.
I like my job, I like the people I work with and the people I serve. I dont realy want to leave, but I am not happy with this, neither are some of the other staff.
Ive thought about an anonomous letter to the health inspectors, but I think he would guess who tipped them off.
Have you got any ideas how I can sort this out before the health inspectors turn up because of a real complaint?
Thanks in advancesmiley - cheers

A tricky work question..

Post 2

Icy North


Sure is - it's illegal and you're an accessory to it, now.

It's time to choose between the Force and the Dark Side.

As a whistleblower, you will have some protection (under UK law, anyway) against constructive dismissal.

Tell the boss that poisoning is illegal. I'd also start looking for another job.

Good luck smiley - goodluck

A tricky work question..

Post 3


could probably mean your freedom if you kill some one and found you knowingly sold them food not fit for human consumption

tough one even if you ask some one else to report him he would probably guess you was behind it any way just report him as you have alluded to is seriously Bad practise to re heat meat over and over again and as for reputation any one if common sense will tell you that some one can become seriously ill which isn't really nice and the environmental health will hear about it that way if a few people get food poisoning

or try to convince him to cook small portions of meat at at time saving any wasted if it is geting low start to cook a bit more

A tricky work question..

Post 4


Any day, the Environmental Health Inspectors could make an inspection anyway. That's what they do. If they turned up tomorrow, your boss would suspect you perhaps - but he couldn't prove it.

The Inspectors would never reveal the name of the person tipping them off, I believe they can be quite discrete. They will more than likely tell the owner they are making a random inspection as they are entitled to by the law.

Salmonella can kill.

A tricky work question..

Post 5


you are not being fussy at all.

i too have worked in the catering trade and know the the system.
it needs to be stopped NOW.

if you got in touch with the authorities and explained the situation and im sure they would be discreet enough to investigate and not mention your name.

if this practice did carry on and something drastic were to happen, you would be out of a job anyway, when he is closed down.

maybe you should suggest that he did the health and hygiene exam (if he hasnt already). something that is compulsory these days.

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