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People you always get muddled up

Post 1

The Groob

What people do you always get muddled up? It's weird when that happens. I usually find the people look a bit like each other or do similar things.

To kick off:

Jim Dale and Dean Jones

People you always get muddled up

Post 2

The Groob

Brian Murphy and Eric Sykes

People you always get muddled up

Post 3

Researcher 524695

Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller.

Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg.

Karen Allen (Raiders of the Lost Ark) and Margot Kidder (Superman).

People you always get muddled up

Post 4

The Groob

Sandler and Stiller, YES!

People you always get muddled up

Post 5

Researcher 524695

Phew, thank heavens I'm not the only one! smiley - ok

People you always get muddled up

Post 6

Researcher 524695

William Hurt and Jeff Bridges.

Pretty much all the Baldwins.

People you always get muddled up

Post 7


And Britain's answer to the Baldwins - the McGann clan

Spike Milligan and any really old Indian guy - I don't know why he just had that air about him! (One of my best friends is Sikh and as we both approach middle age, I can see it happening already! smiley - biggrin)

People you always get muddled up

Post 8


Tim Allen and Alan Rickman

having Galaxy Quest is a saviour, I can now have both names in my mind at the same time, but only by reading the video box.

People you always get muddled up

Post 9

Researcher U197087

Albert Finney and Brian Cox

People you always get muddled up

Post 10


Neil Diamond and Neil Sedaka
Matthews Southern Comfort and Credence Clearwater Revival

People you always get muddled up

Post 11


Atwood and Drabble - and it's not just because they're both Magarets.

It's not life threatening, but can be annoying.

smiley - biggrin

People you always get muddled up

Post 12

The Groob

I heard Suzanne Dando complaining that everyone always thinks she's Sharron Davies.

People you always get muddled up

Post 13


I had a partner (many, many moons ago)who, according to lots of people I knew, bore an uncanny resemblance to a reasonably well know British actor. I don't think I have actually ever seen a film/TV series with the actor in it. Then years later I was in London, wandering down a street, and I saw my ex! We had parted on reasonably good terms, so I greeted him. "Hi, how's it going?" all that sort of stuff - and though he was friendly I realised he had no idea who I was.

Then I realised he wasn't my ex at all. He was actually the actor.............

So I then had to say to this (really quite well known) actor, who had put up quite a good pretence of knowing who I was, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else".

I guess he found it equally strange, or thought I was mad...........

I just visited the actors website, and yep - spitting image!

smiley - biggrin

People you always get muddled up

Post 14


...more, give us more! smiley - rofl

People you always get muddled up

Post 15

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Yeah, who was the famous person?

Sandler and Stiller people?!?!?!
Come on, Sandler is nothing like Stiller.

And an easy way to tell Alan Rickman and Tim Allen apart, Rickman-englishman, Tim/ the toolman Taylor/Allen.

Woah there Jon, sounding a bit rude, shut up!

Yeah I'm guilty of not remembering names let alone mixing them up.
Have you ever met a friend of a friend and not quite caught their name and not asked it because you never thought you'd meet them again, then you keep on seeing them in the street and they keep on talking to you. That keeps on happening to me.

I'm such an idiot.

People you always get muddled up

Post 16

Myjo - Keeper of Decisions That Should Never be Made on Two Hours of Sleep

Martin Short and Rick Moranis

Al Pacino and Robert Deniro

Charleton Heston and Richard Chamberlain

Walter Mathau and Martin Landau

In each of these cases, I know who the individual actors are, but I always want to call the second actor by the first actor's name for some odd reason.

Myjo smiley - sleepy

People you always get muddled up

Post 17

Researcher 524695

Bernie Clifton (puppet ostrich person) and Don MacClean (Crackerjack man).

People you always get muddled up

Post 18



I have that problem too.

smiley - blush

People you always get muddled up

Post 19

The Groob

Bella Emberg/Janine Duvitski (played Angus Deayton's wife in 'One Foot In The Grave')

People you always get muddled up

Post 20


Sean Penn and Nicholas Cage

...the only reason I can come up with for confusing them is that they both have last names that sound like animal enclosures...smiley - blush...

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