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the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 1


Almost three years ago I started a little photo gallery featuring a few h2g2 friends ... and we are now up to over 400 photos! Okay, there are a few repeats, but still quite a good showing. smiley - ok

Recently I got to thinking that because I'm not around hootoo as much as I used to be that people who have never met me might feel a bit uncomfortable about sending in photos to a journal entry on my PS.

And so, I have now written a guide entry about the photo gallery to make it more of a 'community project'. And I'm told that smiley - thepost might also be interested in featuring it soon.

So here it is ... A20917604

Maybe see you there? smiley - smiley


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 2


No problem, Azahar! smiley - ok

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 3


smiley - cheers dude!


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 4


And no doubt posts 2 & 3 make no sense to anyone but you and me, Nat. Ah well ...

You're probably overdue for an updated pic, no?


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

I have a very nice one, from the last winter meet smiley - winkeye

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Post 2 makes sense to me, Post 3's a tad obscure.

*back to lurking*

*and thinking 'Oh Cripes, this means more people are going to see the photos!smiley - yikessmiley - wah*

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 7


There was a slight change made to the subject title, Roymondo, so as not to confuse it with the original photo gallery thread.

And of course you'll love being more world famous!

You have a new photo too, Bels?


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

No new photo, one or two from the wintermeet a year ago, but we'd need an ok.

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 9


Three more researchers have sent in pics over the past three days, which is very nice. smiley - smiley


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 10

Plebis -- Wielder of Swords, Sayer of 'Sodit' and Thingite Arch Recruiting Sergent for the Grand Warlord Clive the Flying Ostrich [back from touring the universe]

Where/how can I send a picture?

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 11

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

If you go to the entry here: A20917604 there's an email address in the last paragraph.

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 12


Are you really feeling shy about a possible larger audience, Roymondo?

I did worry about that myself when I decided to do this, but I really think there will be little difference other than some people who have come across the gallery elsewhere might feel easier about joining us with a more 'community type' thang happening.


the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 13

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Nah, not really. I just don't want to be sued for any psychological damage my image might induce!smiley - biggrin

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 14

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

He's cute and he knows it really, I'm not fooled.

the h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 15


False modesty, eh Roymondo? smiley - winkeye

Just a reminder to everyone - please remember to leave a name/nickname when you post a comment in the gallery. You don't need to leave an email address but a name is required.

I've just had to remove three comments from 'Anonymous' - but please feel free to post them again with your name.

smiley - ta


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