A Conversation for Ask h2g2

ear worms!

Post 1


I woke up this morning with the theme song from the Andy Griffiths Show in my head and now it's stuck there! A friend of mine calls these 'ear worms'.

So, some questions about ear worms:

- how do you get rid of them?
- do you get recurring ear worms?
- why are they usually songs we hate?
- what causes them? (I mean, I don't think I have heard the Andy Griffiths Show theme music for more than 30 years! Why now?)

smiley - whistle

ear worms!

Post 2

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

If I hear Bob the Builder on the radio or tv, I will have it stuck in my head for hours, until something else comes along........

It drives me up the wall

dooesn't answer your question though..........

ear worms!

Post 3


hi Helelou! Long time no see! smiley - smiley

Well, at least *hearing* Bob the Builder and *then* getting an ear worm makes sense. Imagine having not heard Bob the Builder for more than 30 years and then suddenly there it is! smiley - weird


ear worms!

Post 4


i just found this under google. hope it helps morning helly September 14, 2002 Eradicate Ear Worms Quickly and Safely If you've ever had a song stick in your head, and you find your self humming it constantly then you have experienced what the Germans call "Ohrwurm". Translated it means 'ear worm and it's a infectious and annoying scrap of music you can't get out of your mind. There is a cure however. (And is sometimes the case, the cure can be more painful than the disease.) Try humming "The Girl From Ipanema". For some reason humming this tune complete eradicates all forms of Ohrwurm. The link below will take you to a page with a downloadable version of the song--just it case you have forgotten the tune, or never knew it existed. Try it. It really works. "http://www.xanga.com/Amazon/Click.aspx?asin=B00005UVV5&user=6261">

ear worms!

Post 5


smiley - laugh

That's great creachy. I'll try it. And happily I happen to lurve The Girl from Ipanema (no need for me to download it).

Funny you gave the German translation as it was after this friend got back from living in Germany that he started calling these things ear worms.

The thing I've noticed about ear worms is that they seem to have a 24-hour life span no matter what you do. For example, whilst humming The Girl from Ipanema I will obviously not be whistling the Andy Griffiths theme song, but I just know that later on sometime today when I am least expecting it - BLAM - Andy will be there again. But probably not tomorrow. Strange . . .


ear worms!

Post 6


Oh jeez
2 legs in gonna LOVE this thread...anything "bug" like n he's bound to make a meal of it!! smiley - yuk...literally!! smiley - yikes

ear worms!

Post 7

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - laugh

thanx creach, you have finally been helpfull smiley - laugh

will give it a go the next time I hear that dreaded unmentionable song.......

smiley - cheers

ear worms!

Post 8


hi creachy,

I'll be darned - it worked. I listened to Girl from Ipanema and now it is still 'playing' as an earworm. But I fear this will be short lived and Andy will be back before too long. Also, it is the exception. It seems that most ear worms are songs you can't stand. Why should this be?


ear worms!

Post 9


ah but the other way is to say to your friend/work collegue/partner
'You know, I've got the tune to nnnnn going round in my head and can;t get rid of it'
This has two possible effects.
1) You will get rid of it by 'passing it on' to someone else
2) If you don;t get rid of it, you can at least prove the 'misery loves company' maxim!

ear worms!

Post 10

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

You are focussing way to uch on Andy Griffiths...smiley - winkeye

I do get earworms - they can be very annoying, as normally it's a scrap of middle eight ofr something and I'll have to spend hours working out what it is...smiley - laugh

smiley - shark

ear worms!

Post 11


Still no answers or theories to my questions regarding ear worms in Posting 1?

smiley - erm

ear worms!

Post 12


no, but given topic drift you will probably find them in a thread over there --->

ear worms!

Post 13


over . . . where?

ear worms!

Post 14

daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters

hey micky you're so fine
you blow my mind
hey micky hey micky

smiley - run

smiley - run

that eradicates all known earworms. apart from hey micky.

xxsmiley - peacedove

ear worms!

Post 15

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - groan

now you've done it

smiley - laugh

how's the ratties?

ear worms!

Post 16

daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters

it's been all change in ratty towers. poor tigger passed on. we are positive ahe was pining for pooh. so that left young piglet, who is now ably aided and abetted by even younger kanga. another tan and white rat with pink eyes and really big feetsmiley - erm.

smiley - sorryabout the hey micky thing, but it does work!

xxsmiley - peacedove

ear worms!

Post 17

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

<sorry to hear bout the ratties, they can be fickle things, but got to love 'em smiley - biggrin

tell me about it, now got hey mickey running about my brain smiley - ta

complete with pictures of the video

give me back Bob the Builder any day smiley - laugh

ear worms!

Post 18

daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters

can we fix it
yes we can!

xxsmiley - peacedove

ear worms!

Post 19

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

that's sot of better, now I have both and they are competing smiley - steamsmiley - laugh

just imagine
can we fix it

hey mickey
your so fine

yes we can

smiley - groan

think I will have another smiley - stiffdrink

ear worms!

Post 20

daraline, keeper of unusual rats and deranged hamsters

have one for me too as it's too early for that over heresmiley - biggrin.

xxsmiley - peacedove

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