A Conversation for Ask h2g2

christmas-y feeling

Post 1


i was reading a book (things my girlfriend and i have argued about-mil millington) and it is suggested in the book that santa goes near the speed of light. This is a rather interesting (although not true) argument. It could suggest that while it only appears as one night to us, it would be a much longer time for santa and his reindeer.
i would just like to see a strong argument for or against this if anyone has one.


christmas-y feeling

Post 2


He'd be burnt to a crisp in seconds by the air resistance, not to mention the incredible noise of a large object moving at such speed through the atmosphere which would be deafening. smiley - smiley

christmas-y feeling

Post 3


oh yes. the point is seen. but is there anyone who can fight for it?...ignore the facts if you would like, i'd just like to see an argument here...

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