A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 1

Trout Montague

Surely never has the US been so isolated. Could it be The Fall of Babylon (Revelations 18:4)?

Perhaps we're about to witness the collapse of the Union.

Which state would be the first to secede?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 2


"secede"?? What does that mean, pray tell? smiley - huh

Another apocalypse. Hmmmmmm. Interesting. I haven't got my barcode tattoo yet smiley - smiley

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 3

Trout Montague

Oh dear, not a word? It came out of my head and I thought it was a word meaning 'to go independent'.

Who'd go first?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 4


It has crossed my mind that the Roman Empire didn't last forever................................

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 5


It could be a word. Not sure. smiley - erm

Which state. Well. The Mexicans could take over the south-west quite easily. Hawaii could go independant, as could Alaska, because they aren't physically joined to the landmass. The Mid-West/Deep South would fall to the Christians and the farmers. The North-East would probably stay quite fundamentally American. As would California. Florida would be overturned by the Bible Belt and "moralised". Canada might turn on it's heel and take the North-West...


Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 6

Zantic - Who is this woman??

Is a word...spelt wrong.. smiley - winkeye

One entry found for secede.

Main Entry: se·cede
Pronunciation: si-'sEd
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): se·ced·ed; se·ced·ing
Etymology: Latin secedere, from sed-, se- apart (from sed, se without) + cedere to go -- more at SUICIDE
Date: circa 1755
: to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion or political party or federation)
- se·ced·er noun

I'll let you go back to your conversation now... smiley - winkeye

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 7


Neither did the British Empire! But then that was more about landmass and distance. America is "together" physically as a country. Wouldn't necessarily dissolve as easily. And they all have guns.

Might plot a takeover myself.


Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 8

Trout Montague

Is it not a Union of States, as was Yugoslavia? Independence for individual states isn't really so far-fetched is it?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 9


But this is AMERICA...smiley - erm

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 10

Trout Montague

It's happened before ...

Czechoslavakia ... Soviet Union ... India (Bangladesh) ... Indonesia (East Timor) ... China (Taiwan) ... UK (Wales, Scotland)

... even Canada's got Quebec partitionists.

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 11


States can't seceed, can they?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 12

Trout Montague

Constitutionally, Legally or Physically?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 13


Alaska *ought* to secede

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 14


Again, this is AMERICA we are dealing with...slightly different country, don't you think? You think the people would *want* to seperate off? smiley - erm

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 15


There's an independence movement in Hawaii.

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 16


There are independance movements everywhere!

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 17

Trout Montague

America ... slightly different? Spill the beans - have the people got three nipples and 11 toes?

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 18

Trout Montague


Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 19

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

*Reminds everyone that American Civil War was caused by the secession of the Southern Confederacy*

Empires rise: Empires fall

Post 20

Trout Montague


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