A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 1

The Frog

I was just having a conversation with Nokakkchok, keeper of earwax laden headphones, advocate of blue ink pens and ace Guru, when we started talking with another guy on H2g2.

His name is Acerpol, Stealer of Rich Mens' wallets, expert at Discrete structures and player of all games that involve Skittles. He told us of this dude who had a SHORT name.

Can you believe it? He had a short name. How pathetic. This dude calls himself "The Frog". That's it. The Frog. Jeez, what is WRONG with him? Nobody taught him to keep long, difficult to pronounce, let alone remember names?

Let's get this dude and torture him until he gets a long name!! You with me!!

smiley - online2long

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 2


Well, you should check this name smiley - winkeye

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 3

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I just read the add-ons beyond the initial name once, then ignore them thereafter. And my name couldn't be any longer, since I tried and it would only accept so much text. Shame.

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i have to keep my name at home too because it got too hevy to drag around al the time.

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 5

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

In fact, you may notice that mine finishes with a comma where it cut off my newest addition. Can't even remember what it was now...

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 6

Lady in a tree

All you have to do to the title of this subject is change the *LONGER* to lower case and the *be* to upper case and then you could call yourself Chandler Bing.

I like the long names - they are a bit of smiley - sillyness and sometimes a reflection of how people are feeling that day. As long as the front part of your name stays recognisable then I say let it be.

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 7

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yeah, there has to be an easy identifier. just look at all the trouble mina causes, constantly changing her name *tuts*

smiley - winkeye


Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 8



smiley - winkeye

Stesmiley - earth

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 9

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

my portable name is short, the rest is an advert. i think thats a fair compromise. otherwise i'd be luggin this around with me:
Fully Assimilated Borg Tribble: - Commander in Chief of Twiglets and Special Operations for the Thingite Army (Greeblet 103....Muse of Sci-Fi Spoilers. Legal Advisor to the Black Hole Escape Committee)Dark Disciple Number 12, Knight of all Knights and librarian to the castle.

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 10

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I always wondered what FABT stood for.
What, no ACE, GURU, SCOUT, etc.?

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 11

Lady in a tree

Ste, is that *rebel* (the verb) against stupid long names or are you doing a strange James Dean name thing there?

And while we're at it...why "Ste"? Is there a missing "ve" or "phen" from the end or are you really so anti long names you are trying to prove a point!? smiley - winkeye

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 12


smiley - smiley The verb. Though the latter one is tempting...

It's Steven. Yeah, one rarely gets to choose their own nicknames, this is one of them that some people call me. I quite like it, it's like it's way too much trouble to add the "ve" at the end so it's a shortened version of a nickname.

C'mon people, all these long names just make the threads look all untidy and ugly. Clean them up smiley - ok

Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesmiley - earthsmiley - winkeye

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 13

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hey! We long-named people are just taking advantage of h2g2's higher technology whereby we aren't obliged to have squidly little names without spaces, like 'emly432' or something daft and feeble like that. If you've got it, flaunt it, eh? smiley - smiley

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 14

The Theory

*The Theory likes his clean, mildly short, space infected name*

of course the worst is when someone uses all of the space they can and don't even bother putting spaces in so that is streches the conversations...


Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 15

The Frog


Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Generally, the first bits are the name, the rest is made up of titles or further information. It all adds colour, don't you think?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 17

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

looks at his nickname

....why not join United Friends so I can remove a part!
the more the merrier smiley - smiley

h2g2 world part is my busy h2g2 live.
too much to place on my personal space

have fun all

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 18

Sho - employed again!

*waves at a fellow 3 letter named person on h2g2*

Hey Ste!

Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 19

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

this is a reply to post 10.

hi bob.

people have been trying to recruit me on the side to guru's, scouts and aces. somehow they've all missed the fact taht i havent a clue what i'm dong.

so far i have resisted all attempts......


Could your names be any LONGER?

Post 20


need I say more
smiley - ok

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