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Help with the ending of a film. Please!

Post 1


Well, this is sad, but...
I was watching a BW film this afternoon called 'A Son for Dorothy'. It goes like this:

'Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, a singer (Shelly Winters) stands to inherit a fortune if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs by a given date, otherwise he gets the cash.'

Now, it wasn't a terribly good film or anything, but this is the second time I've caught it in under a year, and missed the ending both times. Today it was missed because my daughter filled her nappy, and by the time I'd changed it the film was over.

So, who got the cash? Shelley Winters or the other guy?

Help with the ending of a film. Please!

Post 2

Researcher Eagle 1

I believe the name of the film is "To Dorothy a Son" but I'm afraid I don't know how it ends. smiley - erm

Help with the ending of a film. Please!

Post 3

The Frog

The butler did it.

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Help with the ending of a film. Please!

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