A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Desktop Decoration

Post 21


An earlier post mentioned clearing your desk. I came up with the idea of a box in which I placed things that I know should be thrown out but just couldn't in case they were needed. I write on it something like "if not needed by Christmas 1999, burn". Needless to say it is still there, un looked at but no-one dare burn it.

Desktop Decoration

Post 22

Mister Matty

Well, I don't work in an office, this desktop be in my home, see.

Now, let's see what I have "decorating" my lovely desk today

We have:

A tin of Brasso
Some floppy disks (bien sur)
A box of "Brymay"(Bryan May?!) matches
A bag of lovely twiglets (opened)
Anonymous box containing old Spectrum games tapes
"Tomb Raider" game CD box
CD-Rom with drivers for my Graphics Card in it
Several empty Guinness cans (here's to waiting)
Two fake Roman coins apparently stolen from a museum in Glasgow by an ex-aquaintance of mine
"Virgin Film Guide"
Copy of "The Player of Games" by Iain M Banks
Really stupid girly plant-pot thing with foreign coins, fossils and (er) a pen-lid in it
"Peter Rabbit" dish from when I was a nipper containing lots of 1 pennys and two pences
Shot-measuring metal thing "acquired" from Bar in Glasgow
Interesting rock "acquired" from Scottish hillside
Filofax containing scribbled addresses and phone-numbers of friends and family (rocking the Bob Hoskins/BT vibe there)
Pencil Sharpener
TV remote control, cast in tasteful yellow plastic smiley - smiley
CD with AOL v6 on it
Copy of "Second Foundation" by Issac Asimov

And there you have it

Zagreb :P

Desktop Decoration

Post 23


My desk at home has a beat up mug with the face of the tin man from the wizard of oz, currently a glass of gin and tonic - half drunk, a pile of papers to go thru, a bag of red hots (candy), and a book "Savage Love" by Dan Savage a columnist who dispenses sex advice. Books is one of the funniest I have read.

Desktop Decoration

Post 24

Mister Matty

Well, I'm at home, not work for this kind of thing. Objects on my desk include:

A tin of Brasso
Stack of floppy disks
Box of Brymay (Brian May?!) matches
Opened bag of tasty twiglets
Box containing tapes of old Spectrum game
CD-Rom of Tombraider Game
CD-Rom with drivers for my Graphics Card
Empty tins of Guinness
Two fake Roman coins which an ex-associate of mine claimed to have stolen from a museum in Glasgow
Copy of "Virgin Film Guide"
Copy of "The Player of Games" by Iain M Banks
Knackered old glasses
Glasses case
Girly Plant pot containing coins, fossils (?) and pen-lids (?!)
various coins
shot-measured "acquired" from pub in Glasgow
interesting rock "acquired" from Scottish hillside

and some other stuff that's not very interesting

Zagreb smiley - smiley

Desktop Decoration

Post 25


Oh! That tweaked my memory, in front of my speaker is a shot glass "borrowed" from a blues bar. Appropriately, it is chipped and cracked.

Desktop Decoration

Post 26

Wand'rin star

My office mate has moved out while I was away. So I now have three (3!) desks On one is a laminator and the stuff I'm going to laminate in a filing basket. On this one I have the computer and the phone. On the third there is NOTHING AT ALL (I am a graduate of Trillian's Child's school of filing so, aprt from the 5 photos magnetised to the filing cabinet and the six plants on the windowsills, everything else has been chucked out or filed) What a very smug smiley - star! Mind you, this was the first day back smiley - star

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