A Conversation for Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, UK

Sutton Coldfield

Post 1

Dandelion Pegleen

Hi Moose - congratulations on your Guide Entry! My brother took a Media Studies BTEC at Sutton Coldfield College all the way to Hollywood, where he is working for the production company that made "Face" and "Bravo Two Zero".

I decided to tear myself away from the bright lights of Birmingham, despite the glories of Sutton Park. I'm not taking the piss, I heartily agree with you, Sutton Park is GORGEOUS. I highly recommend it to any Guide readers who find themselves in Sutton or its environs of Brum etc.

I now know more about Sutton than I did when I lived there - except for the bit about SC'ers not liking to be included under Birmingham!

Keep up the good work - live long & prosper!

Sutton Coldfield

Post 2

Moose (Researcher 32986)

Cheers for the comments... come again soon!
I've probably missed-out some stuff about Sutton Coldfield, but it's a start. Perhaps if any one spots any glaring omissions they can add them to this conversation.


Sutton Coldfield

Post 3


Intensive research into the Sutton Coldfield club 'scene' has yielded the following results:

Rosie's is clearly the best (relatively) as long as you don't mind having to wear dark trousers (no jeans mate) and Ben Sherman shirt. Oh, and make sure those (black) shoes are sparkling. This all seems a bit unnecessary for a fairly average venue. Good light show though, but maybe that was just the gin.

When you inevitably get turned away from Rosie's, all is not lost. Round the corner is Sloanes. They'll let anyone in. However you will instantly sense the menacing atmosphere. Best strategy here is not to look anyone in the eye. And when chatting to girls, determine first that they don't 'belong' to the short hard bloke with the moustache and the swallow tattooed on his neck. For instance.

Sutton Coldfield

Post 4

Moose (Researcher 32986)

Thanks Frisnit -- much needed additional information that I couln't put in my original article ... mainly because I've never been wearing the right sort of thing to get into Rosie's and I've never dared go into Sloanes. Sloanes observed from my purely outsiders' point of view would be that living people seem to enter through the upstairs entrance (opposite the Library & Sainsbury's) and dead, dying, or still fighting people seem to be ejected at the street level entrance near the chip shop! This can make an amusing night's entertainment if you get a window seat at the Bitter End Pub.

Oh yes one more update -- O'Neils now stays open until one o'clock in the morning (which unfortunately meansng the same Poges record an extra five times).

Sutton Coldfield

Post 5

Moose (Researcher 32986)

Thanks Frisnit -- much needed additional information that I couln't put in my original article ... mainly because I've never been wearing the right sort of thing to get into Rosie's and I've never dared go into Sloanes. Sloanes observed from my purely outsiders' point of view would be that living people seem to enter through the upstairs entrance (opposite the Library & Sainsbury's) and dead, dying, or still fighting people seem to be ejected at the street level entrance near the chip shop! This can make an amusing night's entertainment if you get a window seat at the Bitter End Pub.

Oh yes one more update -- O'Neils now stays open until one o'clock in the morning (which unfortunately meansng the same Poges record an extra five times).

Sutton Coldfield

Post 6

Moose (Researcher 32986)

I'd better point-out that I was only joking when I said "dead or dying" people -- I just ment occasionally drunk people having a scrap get ejected. It's a nice town - honest.

Sutton Coldfield

Post 7

Moose (Researcher 32986)

I'd better point-out that I was only joking when I said "dead or dying" people -- I just ment occasionally drunk people having a scrap get ejected (as with other pubs etc). Plenty of people goto Sloanes so it can't be bad!

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