This is the Message Centre for Originelle

Welcome Researcher

Post 1


Hello and <./>welcome</.> to h2g2smiley - smiley
I am Khamsin, come to help yousmiley - biggrin
I am what they call an <./>ace</.>
We are here to help, smiley - ermwant to improve your space?
The Page Workshop A690518 , preference help A1095220
Please just <./>dontpanic</.> or yelpsmiley - dontpanic
If you don’t think the first part a snore
Then you should take the <./>dontpanic-tour</.>
We have hints and tips from Feisor A719840 and Rocket man A725500
Writing-Guidelines might help stop a sham
At United Friends there is a lot to do and see
But don’t forget your smiley - towel I surely plea
If you want to go here or there
Use the <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> go one, I dare
If someone’s online you’ll see eyes
might make you think they spy
Oh wait there, I almost did miss
<./>smileys</.> and the club lists A660340
<./>thepost</.>smiley - thepost a paper that is our own
On me this place really has grown
I hope you do like it too
I wish all the luck to yousmiley - goodluck

smiley - marssmiley - mars Khamsin ACE

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Welcome Researcher

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