This is the Message Centre for Skankyrich [?]

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

Well done! You guessed whose journal it was just by the title...

I have no idea how well this translates if you're not actually from Devon, but I'm going to post the link anyway:

Me and the lads reckon it's the funniest thing since that sheep got stuck in the haystack.

smiley - smiley

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I said yes to seven of 'em!

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Naaah - I thought it might be the return of Parrferris smiley - tongueout

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Nah, this means nothing to non-Devonians. I know what the sentences mean, but I don't see anything funny in them.

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

But I'm a non-Devonian and I can both understand and see the humour in (even chuckle at) most of them, by inference and deduction.

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

Some of them you do have to have been raised in Devon to understand. I can well remember being very young and being astonished at the full eight storeys of Debenhams in Exeter; it was a gargantuan building, impossibly high when I was six years old. I must have been 14 before I went to London and Paris and saw anything taller. And Exeter was a *huge* place at that age, and I still get lost in it if I leave a handful of main roads.

It's hilarious to me, because there's a lot of youthful naivety in those lines, as well as a few knowing winks. Everyone I've showed it to down here has gone a little white as they laugh; that probably shows how cut off and insular we may be in itself smiley - smiley

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 7

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Some of them were admitidly a bit 'Devonish' for me to understand... yet somehow as a country boy meself albeit form a differnt part of the country, about 24 of the points were true smiley - blushsmiley - run

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 8

aka Bel - A87832164

Being from the countryside myself, I could identify with some of the points. It made me chuckle. smiley - smiley

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 9

I'm not really here

I thought it might be Paff. smiley - winkeye

I'm soooo looking forward to bringing the Bambi to Devon and making all those natives take longer to get anywhere. And it won't even be April, let alone May when I come puttering up the hills at 30 (if not 20) mph!

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 10


smiley - angel Nope, had absolutely *no* idea who might have posted this journal.

I'm with Gnomon on this one. I don't even know how big Exeter is.
But how *does* one walk over a cattle grid? (In heels, obviously.smiley - winkeye)

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 11


I've been pony trekking and I'm not too bad on cattle grids unless they're the ones with round bars, which are just a pain.

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 12

Skankyrich [?]

Note to Alex and Honestlago: If we get stuck behind a Bambi going up a hill at 20 on the way there, remind me not to beep and swear smiley - smiley I shall be dignified and polite, at least until I can see who the driver is...

You could ask these guys about the cattle grids, Leo:

See? Front page news smiley - smiley

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 13


smiley - yikes
Goats that climb trees?! This I gotta see!

*pulls out floppy tourist hat, rents a big, slow car, and heads to Devon*

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 14




smiley - bunnysmiley - roflsmiley - bunnysmiley - roflsmiley - bunnysmiley - roflsmiley - bunnysmiley - rofl


Are You A True Devonian?

Post 15

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - laugh I was waiting for that, terri!

*adds Leo's name to the Meet list* smiley - winkeye

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 16

I'm not really here

hmm, aren't goats native to mountains? They should have realised you have to be agile to live on a mountain!

You'll recognise my Bambi from any others easily - we'll be playing loud music (with not much bass, sadly. Bloody salesman, I said I wanted it bassy!), probably Kylie. smiley - biggrin

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 17

Skankyrich [?]

You should be quite unmissable, then smiley - laugh

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 18


I was going to say quite missable, to be honest. smiley - tongueout

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 19

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Funnily enough, until I was 13 the tallest building I'd ever seen was Derby Cathedral. I thought it was huge. Then my parents took me to London for my 13th birthday. It was the height of the bulding that impressed me more than anything else. I still dislike London - I feel edgy when I can't see the horizon.

smiley - ale

Are You A True Devonian?

Post 20

I'm not really here

That's when I get scared - when there's too much sky!

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