This is the Message Centre for echomikeromeo

New blog

Post 1


It's at . I've had a private and semi-private blog for almost two years, but this is a new stab at making my thoughts and writing public. So far it's started out pretty emo, but I hope it will get more interesting, so I encourage you to check it out.

New blog

Post 2

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Emo? Define, please. In a Guide Entry for Peer Review, if you want, or here if it's simpler.

TRiG.smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

New blog

Post 3


I don't understand the term that well myself as generally applied to teenage culture, but my understanding is that it's derived from a style of modern (21st-century) music and refers to the culture and style of dress associated with that music, in addition to a sort of general mood. My understanding is that emo people or people in an emo mood will tend to be depressed in an attempt to attract attention - the feeling may be real or fake, but on some level it's intentional wallowing in a bid for sympathy. "Crying in a corner" is a concept associated with the emo state of mind, as are (on a more serious level) things like self-harm or attempted suicide.

I'm not *that* emo, but it's a term I use to describe myself when I bitch and moan about things that aren't really that bad, and wallow in depression because it's more enjoyable and easier than snapping out of it and doing something productive. When I'm "emo" is especially when I tend to blog.

New blog

Post 4

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

Emo, short for emotional, is a rather ambiguous term and is like what EMR describes up there ^^ (or down there for me as I write this, sans a downward arrow, which is moronic because there is <^ and &gtsmiley - winkeye.

It does involve self-harm and wallowing in self-pity. The fashion is very similar to the 80s new-wave/new-romantic look ie androgynous with tight-fitting clothes (often shoddily 'personalised'), make up and over-gelled hair that covers some of the face. They often have MySpaces saturated with pictures of themselves in faux-artistic shots, often in sepia.

It basically is the modern embodiment of the time-honoured misfit teenager, depressed, confused, self-righteous, narcassistic and 'non-conformist' despite being all alike. But let's face it, what good artist doesn't produce their work from negative emotions? The trouble with emo is that it's just all so superfuckingficial.

New blog

Post 5


Well put, Tony, and a good point about the MySpaces.

New blog

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

when I was teaching last term, there was a girl everybody kept calling emo, and she was really getting annoyed with it

and it was all I could do to tell her 'it wasn't worth crying over'

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