This is the Message Centre for Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 1

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Our President of h2g2 has an idea, worked up through conversations with atleast one other friend, of how to give a kick to the back-side of h2g2 AND encourage writing in general.

I would really appreciate it if any friends would take a look at A38600129 , and the threads attached. Give some thought as to how to build on the seed of the idea, maybe give some time as well as things progress.

I have an amazingly disparate assortment of friends, from every walk of life and h2g2. And they all have friends in wild and wondrous circles. It's an idea that could spread pretty quickly, I think.

Thanks, friends.


A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 2


Sorry, i don't think i can't contribute much in the way of ideas smiley - erm I guess i'm just too dumb huh! smiley - silly

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 3


And i also have trouble spelling smiley - doh
That should of been - Soory i don't think i CAN contribute much.....

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 4


Futtocks!! I give up! smiley - groan

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't think I can't not deny that there isn't somehting to your idea, Rev Nick. smiley - winkeye I've even thrown in a typo, so as to demonstrated that this post was written by (arguably) human hands. smiley - bigeyes But I'm not a new researcher. heck, I wasn't new in any meaningful sense of the words when I really *was* a new researcher. smiley - erm

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 6

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ideas don't seem to be in very short supply at the moment. Some may need a bit of refinement. If this project of Hypatia's gets going well though, a few extra folks with an enjoyment of reading might prove helpful. "Stay tuned", as they say ...

*who-ever "they" are ... smiley - rolleyes*

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, don't ask my piano for help. It's going to have to stay *untunes*. smiley - tongueout

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 8

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

sounds like a brilliant idea!

A Rev Nick Journal: An interesting and challenging idea

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's actually my normal state of slothfulness....

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