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paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jun 18, 2015
" it's funny you should mention waiters. We were served by one of the most obnoxious, smartass, annoying ones I've ever met" [KB]
I am truly sorry that you encountered such a waiter. The ones I dealt with were very understanding and helpful.
"A number of restaurants in Vienna have specialized in delicious meat-free cuisine. Not only do they prepare vegetarian dishes, they also make use of regional and primarily organic ingredients."
Is it possible that he assumed you'd know about the many fine vegetarian local restaurants, and wondered why you weren't at one of them? Not that such an attitude would represent good customer service.
KB Posted Jun 18, 2015
I think he was just one of life's idiots.
Not that it bothered me *that* much, mind. It only sticks out in my memory because of the contrast with everyone else. Even in the airport, where they gave me free beer because they were out of the beer I asked for first. I don't think I've ever got anything free in an airport before!
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jun 27, 2015
"I think he was just one of life's idiots. Not that it bothered me *that* much, mind. It only sticks out in my memory because of the contrast with everyone else. [KB]
I'm relieved that the idiocy was an isolated incident.
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