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Ruffled feathers

Post 1


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. smiley - laugh

I was pulled in for a talking to today when I got in.

There have evidently been complaints about "my persistently overruling more senior members of staff". Oh, the poor darlings. I think I must be making them feel all undermined and inadequate.

What is there to say in my defence, other than I wouldn't have to "persistently overrule" them if they weren't ignoramuses? smiley - bigeyes They should be glad they have me to overrule them, or they'd be up a rather brown and glutinous creek without a paddle.

I'm afraid I'm going to keep overruling them. I kinda like it. smiley - evilgrin

Ruffled feathers

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Too damn right! ---- NO COMPROMISE!!! smiley - zensmiley - biggrin

"What is there to say in my defence, other than I wouldn't have to "persistently overrule" them if they weren't ignoramuses?
smiley - bigeyes
They should be glad they have me to overrule them, or they'd be up a rather brown and glutinous creek without a paddle." smiley - zen exactly! smiley - biggrinsmiley - evilgrin ya gotta keep reminding em who's the boss really or.... they'll just set off a rebellion:

Next thing you know, you turn up for work, on a Tuesday afternoon, and find someone has seletaped celery sticks all over the office... and i think we all know its only one small step from that to a totalatarian state, and concentration champs for workers... smiley - erm or something smiley - sillysmiley - zen

Ruffled feathers

Post 3


I was asked what my guffaw was about just now. I think it was the sellotaped celery sticks wot did it. smiley - biggrin Kind of hard to explain 2legs to the uninitiated, though, so I just shrugged and said 'oh, nothing...'

Ruffled feathers

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

can I have a copy of the explination, if you ever come up with one? please? smiley - biggrinsmiley - sillysmiley - zen I think the seletaped, celery, in an alternative universe, probably doesn't even understand itself, itself. Which is kinda nice, in a balancing the unseen universe, kinda way. I always think that somewhere, part of me, is having a perfectly normal time of things; drinking assan tea, and applying some cuticle oil. but, then I remember the doorstop, and I very much doubt then whether it is really the case.... Afterall; they'd ned to have someone to empty the filings.

Ruffled feathers

Post 5



Haven't they heard of the dangers of so-called "groupthink"? Chernobyl, Cuban missiles, invasion of Iraq, Titanic - analysis of all these will lay some blame at the fact that people were afraid to speak out and contradict their senior officers. Post-analysis of the worst ever plane crash on record again records that it the staff didn't want to overrule the pilot. With disastrous consequences. I'm sure there was something about this on BBC breakfast recently, using that knowledge in a medical setting. The key phrases to use apparently are "You must listen to me", and "I'm not comfortable with this."

Ruffled feathers

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

oh gosh that has happened to me a lot. They say "you always think you're right"
and I say
"I pulled your backsides out of the fire every time. I AM always right" And usually they have to, regretfully agree.

Then I was told off for managing the managers, then I wasn't promoted because I didn't display management skills smiley - rofl

then I said, ok next time, I will tell you what I think you should do, and you go ahead and do what you were doing. And afterwards you can ask me very very nicely how to get your backsides out of the fire. again.

To be fair, they did. And then they promoted me smiley - magic

Ruffled feathers

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I feel compelled to tell you, KB, that the older you get the more often this is likely to happen, what with the penchant these days for taking bright young things (bright young things smiley - rofl) straight out of university or business school and shoving them into managerial positions, instead of promoting people from within, based on experience and knowledge of the job. And not only knowledge of the job, but plain bleedin' common sense. Admittedly, there aren't any MBAs working where I do but I'm the oldest one there by a country mile, and if I had a quid for the number of times each week they're all trying to figure something out, and I say something like "Why don't you just lift it from this side with the forklift instead of trying to get the pallet truck under that side, which you can't do because that bloody great machine is in the way", I'd have three quid smiley - ok

Ruffled feathers

Post 8

You can call me TC

Not much good to you, three quid, out there in the States.

Ruffled feathers

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm saving it up, week by week, for a trip to Blighty smiley - nahnah

Ruffled feathers

Post 10

Bald Bloke

Book of Co-op stamps?

Ruffled feathers

Post 11


Co-op? What about Green Shield?
smiley - bluefish

Ruffled feathers

Post 12


I might have a book of Maxol Magnets in the roofspace if that's any use!

Ruffled feathers

Post 13


Hmm. Today, boss asks why I "always look so tired and pissed off these days". smiley - erm

That's one of these trick questions, right? I mean, it's too easy - I'm pretty sure the desired answer isn't "I look so tired and pissed off because you are so tiresome and you're pissing me off". smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

I didn't realise it showed that much, as it happens, but there you go. smiley - shrug

Ruffled feathers

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I always assume its safe to show that on teh outside; gives others round you a fair warning! that's my excues anyhow smiley - zensmiley - cuddle

Ruffled feathers

Post 15

Sho - employed again!

haha when I was working 80 hour weeks and I was at my desk every day at 7am - the MD who had just promoted two idiots ahead of me because "you have children, you can't be as committed to the company as they are" - used to say "I'm sick of coming in and seeing your grumpy face, you should smile when I come in
smiley - rofl

My direct boss at the time physically put himself between us and told me to go and get myself some coffee while he tore the MD a new one (as our American cousins say)

Tell your boss something close to the truth. diplomatically

Ruffled feathers

Post 16


Fair warning? Nah, I don't like giving people fair warning. You lose the element of surprise. smiley - winkeye Sneaky guerrilla tactics is the way to go. smiley - laugh

Ruffled feathers

Post 17


...To tell you the truth, this boss is decent enough. She's being shat upon just as much as I am, to be honest.

Ruffled feathers

Post 18

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*warning, tread cross over moment, think 'frogs'*
"we all get shat on togeter...." smiley - musicalnotesmiley - sillysmiley - hug - I feel a version of the ... scetch.... with the .... 'i look down on him, because he's.....', only replacing the word 'look down' with 'shite on' smiley - laughsmiley - sorry I'm in an odd mood. well. differntly odd smiley - laugh

Ruffled feathers

Post 19


smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Odd mood or not, you are not a million miles wide of the mark with that suggestion!

Ruffled feathers

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I keep finding 'odd' is my default position. I think. in fact. I may. well. you know. just. perhaps. maybe. actually. sort of. just. well. 'be'. 'odd'.

I may need to consult my tantric zen b buddist guru for conformation, though. but, really... I'm not convinced they exist.... outside my chinchillarium.

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