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Where's my carol?

Post 1


You couldn't make it up!

I've just had a knock on the front door - opening up, I was confronted by two boys - aged around 10, who proceeded to sing me a fair rendition of we wish you a merry Christmas. "very nice" I said; but where's my carol? The smaller boy pointed to his mate and said "he knows Once in Royal David's City" but the bigger lad admitted that he had forgotten it!

I tried really really hard not to laugh; told them to wait and closed the door. Now! I usually refuse to part with coin of the realm to trick or treaters, carol singers, wassailers various or anybody else. I had no cakes, no biscuits, no chocolates - absolutely zilch. So I went back to the door with the sum total of change in my purse (50p) and explained that usually I would tell them to bu**er off 'till Christmas Eve and would not normally offer money; but as they were the first and had caused such amusement, they could share the only change I had.

They had gone to the trouble to be out in the freezing fog to wish me a merry Christmas and with a thank you and a have a good Christmas, they went their merry way.

Where's my carol?

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Sounds as if everybody's happy then. smiley - smiley

smiley - holly

Where's my carol?

Post 3

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

you don't hear many saying thank you now and nearly all expect cash, and look at you daft if its below 50p

Where's my carol?

Post 4


Awwwsmiley - laugh.I always give to the first carol singers,someone told me it's unlucky not tosmiley - silly,i am SO superstitious!!smiley - blush
I enjoy Christmas carols though,especially when children are singing.smiley - hug

Where's my carol?

Post 5


They've been at it again! Tonight I had a visitation from three more youngsters, who gave a wonderful rendition of we wish you a merry Christmas; having first knocked on the door - happy to sing to you face on. SS had fallen for it and opened the door. When I arrived and asked "what about the carol?" I was treated to a blank stare and they again started to sing we wish you etc., No No No!! what about the carol? The littlest man said he also knew 'Jingle Bells' NOsmiley - grr where's the carol? The eldest lad (around eleven) said "what's a carol?" Am I really hearing this? I may well commit suicide tonight; and answered "ask your Mum".

Where's my carol?

Post 6

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

our house walls are thin(as most council aresmiley - laugh)I get the same..knock knock! we've been carol singingsmiley - musicalnotewe wish you a merry etc.!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

oh no you ain't sez I! and its come back nearer yearsmiley - winkeye

many moons agosmiley - ermme and 3 mates(11/12teenish), went round with one of the first tape recorder type things and every house, when they came to the door, we said we have to do it this way, because none of us can sing in tunesmiley - laughsmiley - laughThe amount of cash we made, just for the cheeksmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

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