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Photographic help

Post 1



Anyone around who's a photographic wizard? Bluesue perhaps? GB?

I have on several occasions, 'burned' photos onto discs so that I can view them on tv. I have two DVD players at home and one in the caravan. All my attempts have been successful!

However! number one Daughter has just returned from a trip to Paris, having taken my camera. She took 120 pictures whilst there and I have them on the computer. I also put them onto a DVD/RW disc - verified; and tested it on the tv in the kitchen - it worked a treat. Now! Daughter has taken it to her young man's family to show and it wouldn't work. Nor would it work on her all singing, all dancing, fancy posh PC at work.

What have I done wrong? Does the type of disc make any difference and can anyone tell me what to do next please?smiley - wah

Photographic help

Post 2

Icy North

I'm no expert, Scorp, but I believe there are two recordable formats DVD +RW and DVD -RW. Check the DVD box to find out what format it's recorded in. Some players may not be able to read that format. You'd need to check the manuals to see if they can.

If you posted this on Ask, you'd get lots more information, I'm sure.

smiley - cheers Icy

Photographic help

Post 3


Thanks Icy, I'll try both suggestions smiley - cheers

Photographic help

Post 4


Wish i could help,but i'm useless with p c's!!smiley - sadfacesmiley - goodluck anyway!

Photographic help

Post 5

Icy North

Well, the suggestion is to record in a format which the player can read. You may need a different format blank DVD. But check what the players can read...

Photographic help

Post 6

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Icy is correct Scorpio, its going the same as Betamax and VHS video's.
+RW and -RW are the 2 formats and I think(but not 100%)that +RW is winning the race. Now though, there's bluetooth and another on the way, so another battle begins.
Video recorders have the death knell on them...everything is going hard drive

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